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Marangu Route – Kilimanjaro’s Hut Accommodated Trail

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Africa , Kilimanjaro , Tanzania


This page provides a comprehensive and impartial guide to  climbing Kilimanjaro via the Marangu Route.

Marangu Route Overview

The Marangu Route, which approaches the mountain from the southeast, is the only route up the mountain which offers hut accommodation, as opposed to the tents which are used on other routes. 

It is also special as it can be completed in as little as five days, offering the quickest route to Uhuru Peak. An extra acclimatisation day is recommended, however, therefore the route is typically completed in six days.

Due to the availability of hut accommodation and its low cost, the Marangu Route is the most popular route on the mountain for beginners. As such, its success rate is lower than some of the other routes, as many hikers underestimate the difficulty of reaching the peak of Kilimanjaro.


Marangu - Typical Itinerary

The Marangu route can be completed in 5 or 6 days. Below is a detailed itinerary for the five-day Marangu Route. For details on the six-day variation, see the Route Variations section below.

  • Distance: About 8km, or 5 miles
  • Trekking time:  4 to 6 hours
  • Change in elevation:  830 meters
  • Landscape:  Rainforest

The Marangu Route begins on the southeast side of the mountain at Marangu Gate (1,870 meters). The first day of trekking begins with a one-hour drive from Moshi, or a two-hour drive from Arusha to the Kilimanjaro National Park gate, where trekkers will be introduced to their crew, which includes guides, porters and cooks.

Trekkers must register with the rangers at the park gate. Packs are weighed to ensure they don't exceed 20 kilograms, and the porters arrange all the gear needed for the days ahead. 

Once you hit the trail, it's a 4–6-hour trek to reach Mandara Hut(s) at an elevation of 2,700 meters. The huts are Kili-style luxury, fully equipped with solar power and flushing toilets. The huts each hold 6-8 bunk beds.

  • Distance: About 11.5km, or 7 miles
  • Trekking time: 6 to 8 hours
  • Change in elevation:  1,020 meters
  • Landscape:  Rainforest; Low Alpine

Day Two starts early, with trekkers hitting the trail before 8:30am. A fairly-long day of hiking will lead you from Mandara Hut (2,700 meters) to Horombo Hut (3,720 meters) through rainforest and low alpine landscapes. Trekkers can expect to see giant lobelias growing at this altitude.

  • Distance: About 10km, or 6 miles
  • Trekking time:  5 to 7 hours
  • Change in elevation:  980 meters
  • Landscape:  Low Alpine; High Alpine

On day three of the five-day Marangu Route, trekkers journey from Horombo Hut (3,720 meters) to Kibo Hut (4,700 meters). There are two paths to Kibo Hut. Most hikers take the lefthand path, as it is an hour shorter than the righthand path.

The last water stop on your way up the mountain is located at an altitude of 4,130 meters. Fill up your water bottles here, as you won't have another chance before returning to Horombo Hut after your summit attempt. (Bottled water is available for purchase at Kibo Hut.) 

Try to get to sleep early at Kibo Hut -- the summit attempt starts just after midnight! Be sure to have your headlamp, insulated water, snacks, etc. in order and ready to go before drifting off to sleep.

  • Distance: About 5.5km, or 3 miles ascent; 15km or 8 miles descent
  • Trekking time:  6 to 8 hours ascent; 5 to 8 hours descent to Horombo Hut
  • Change in elevation:  1,195 meters ascent; 2,175 meters descent
  • Landscape:  Glacial; High Alpine; Low Alpine

Day four begins early -- before midnight, in fact. The porters will offer you some hot tea and biscuits before you begin your summit bid. A rocky path leads to the first checkpoint at Hans Meyer Cave (5,150 meters).

After several switchbacks, trekkers then arrive at Gilman's Point (5,681 meters) on Kibo's rim. Take some time here to have a snack and gather your strength for the final push to the summit of Uhuru Peak, only 200m of altitude higher. 

For many people, this last stretch of trail before the summit is the most difficult of the entire trek -- but is also the most rewarding, as you will discover as you soak in the view from the highest point in Africa.

The descent is long and arduous, so it's best not to spend too long on the summit. After an exhausting day of 12-16 hours of trekking, you will find yourself back at Horombo Hut (3,720 meters), where warm beds and cold beers await!

  • Distance:  About 20km or 12.5 miles
  • Trekking time:  6 to 8 hours
  • Change in elevation: 1,850 meters descent
  • Landscape: Low Alpine; Rainforest

You will cover a lot of distance on the final day, but it should only take 6 to 8 hours as the trail is generally good. Upon reaching the park gate, trekkers are presented with a certificate acknowledging their accomplishment of reaching either Gilman's Point or Uhuru Peak. It is appropriate to tip your porters and guides at this point. You will then be driven back to either Moshi or Arusha.

Marangu Route Pros and Cons

  • Most direct and fastest route to the summit
  • Cheaper than alternative routes
  • If you don't like sleeping in a tent, the Marangu route offers hut accommodation
  • Same ascent and descent route, with poor acclimatisation profile. Hence altitude sickness is quite common on this route
  • Relatively low summit success rate, especially on the five day trail

Marangu Altitude Profile

The Marangu Route has one of the poorer route profiles on Kilimanjaro, as there is very little opportunity to Climb High and Sleep Low.

The route to the summit is also pretty rapid, which means that there is not much time to properly acclimatise.

Marangu Route Variations

The Marangu Route is operated as either a five-day or a six-day trek. In order to allow enough time for acclimatisation, it is recommended that trekkers take the six-day route. The only difference between the two routes is an extra day spent at Horombo Hut to acclimatise; many trekkers spend this day taking photos and exploring the nearby terrain. It is a rare opportunity for some downtime.


Marangu Trek FAQ

When is the best time to trek the marangu route.

June to September is the best time to hike the Marangu route on Kilimanjaro. That said, since it is close to the equator it is possible to climb the mountain at any time of the year. April and May are the rainy season so most hikers avoid these months.

How difficult is the Marangu Route?

The Marangu Route is attempted by many novices each year because it offers hut accommodation and some perceive it as a less-difficult trek than the other routes up the mountain.

This is a misperception - the five-day route does not allow much time for acclimatisation and can be very difficult, particularly if you attempt it without proper preparation. The summit success rate on the Marangu Route is not as high as some of the other routes up Kilimanjaro. It's a good idea to work on your aerobic fitness before taking on the trek.

Is altitude sickness a risk on the Marangu Route?

Altitude sickness is a serious concern on the Marangu Route, particularly for the five-day variant. Trekkers should be informed of the risks, symptoms and warning signs before they go. 

If you are particularly concerned about altitude sickness, the six-day Marangu Route is a better option than the five-day trek. One of the longer treks, such as the Lemosho Route  or the  Northern Circuit Route , would be even better as they allow more time for acclimatisation.

How much does the Marangu Route cost?

The Marangu Route is widely considered to be the cheapest route up the mountain  since it can be completed in as little as five days.

However, the costs of trekking on the Marangu Route will vary based on a few factors, such as what season you choose to hike, whether you choose the five or six-day option, or whether you choose to use a Western guiding company or communicate directly with a local guiding company.

Here are the major costs to consider when planning to undertake the Marangu Route:

  • Visa, Vaccinations, Insurance etc:  ~$300-$500
  • Equipment (buying and hiring):  ~$200-$300
  • Flights to Kilimanjaro International Airport:  ~$800
  • Tour Agency : About $1,500 for a cheap local agency to ~$3,000 for an expensive Western agency.
  • Tips:  ~$200-$300
  • Misc (additional food, unplanned travel / hotels etc):  $200
  • Total Costs:  $3,200 – $5,100

Are permits required for the Marangu Route?

A permit is required to climb Kilimanjaro. Furthermore, all trekkers must be accompanied by a guide and porters. If you are joining an organised tour, these will be arranged for you. Otherwise, speak to your hotel in Moshi or Arusha and they should be able to help you find a guide and obtain the necessary permit to climb Kilimanjaro.

What gear do I need for the Marangu Trek?

Trekking Mount Kilimanjaro requires a number of essential pieces of trekking clothing and equipment . You will be exposed to a range of altitudes where temperatures fluctuate dramatically between night and day.

To help you plan and prepare for your trek, we have written a detailed Kilimanjaro gear list .

Are there any alternative routes up Kilimanjaro?

Yes, there are. I highly recommend the Machame , Rongai , Lemosho and Northern Circuit routes as alternative routes to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

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See more information on  Tanzania . Or check out these other Kilimanjaro Hiking articles:

  • Best Weather for Climbing Kilimanjaro
  • How to Prepare for Kilimanjaro
  • 5 Unforgettable Things to Do in Tanzania before/after your Kilimanjaro Climb
  • Facts about Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Mount Kilimanjaro  Deaths and Success Rate

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About the author 

Mark Whitman

Mark has trekked extensively in Asia, Europe, South America and Africa. He founded Mountain IQ in 2014 with the sole aim to be the best online information portal to some of the most popular mountain destinations around the world. When not writing for Mountain IQ, Mark is out exploring the outdoors with his wife!

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Marangu Route – The Only Kilimanjaro Route with Hut Accomodation

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The Marangu Route, also known as the "Coca-Cola Route" or "Tourist Route", is the oldest, best established route on Mt Kilimanjaro. Marangu is also one of the most popular routes – mainly because it is the only route on the mountain that has hut accommodation for hikers.

There are 60 bunk beds each at Mandara and Kibo Huts, and 120 bunk beds at Horombo Hut. Typically tour operators provide mattresses and pillows for climbers ( sleeping bags  however, need to be brought separately by trekkers).

Here's our complete guide to the Marangu route.

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Get a quote from our recommended local kilimanjaro operator, know before you go:  mt kilimanjaro marangu route.

The following is important to consider if you are thinking of choosing the Marangu Route for your trek.

How difficult is the Marangu Route?

Even though this is a shorter trek over relatively easy terrain, we rate the Marangu route as difficult. With less days, your body has less time to adjust to the change in altitude. This means that you are a higher risk of altitude sickness. 

In terms of chances of reaching the summit on this route, the  6 day  Marangu route has a summit success rate of around 70%. This is significantly better than the 5-day Marangu trek which has an average estimated summit success rate of 30% (we don't love those odds!).

The total distance of the Marangu route is 82km (50 miles).

What are the huts on the Marangu route like?

kilimanjaro marangu

As the only route with huts, many people mistakenly believe that the Marangu route is an easy option.

The hut accomodation are shared, dormitiry style. The huts at Madara (Day 1) and Kibo (Day 4) have 60 bunk beds each. Horombo has  double the capacity as most trekkers spend two nights here. Horombo huts sleep 120 people.

You can expect to find communal dining areas at the huts as well as shared public bathrooms. The lower huts have flushing toilets (unheard of on the other trails!) but as you get higher, this quickly changes to long drops.

Marangu Route Map

The Marangu route can be completed in 5 days; however, it is recommended that climbers take an extra day to acclimatise at Horombo Hut.

The main setback on the Marangu Route is that the ascent is exactly the same as the descent and therefore there is not as much variety in settings compared to other routes. It also means that the route can get very crowded.

The Marangu Route success rate also tends to be low as it is usually chosen by inexperienced and unprepared trekkers who are misled to believe it is the easiest route on Kilimanjaro . See Kilimanjaro success rates .

Marangu route

Marangu Route Itinerary

Below is the typical itinerary for an 6-day Marangu Route.

Day 1 – Marangu Gate (1,870 meters) to Mandara Hut (2,700 meters)

Distance : ~8km / 5 miles

Trekking time : 4-6 hours

Zone: Rainforest

The Marangu Route begins at Marangu Gate (1,870 meters) on the South-East side of Mount Kilimanjaro (see map above). Typically you will be driven to the gate from Moshi, which takes approximately an hour and passes through the village of Marangu. If approaching from Arusha it takes over two hours to reach Marangu gate. 

At the gate you will meet your trekking team, register with the Kilimanjaro National Park authorities and witness porters assembling and weighing packs of gear that they will be carrying up the mountain. Day one is a gradual trek through the Kilimanjaro rainforest and takes 5-7 hours to complete. 

kilimanjaro porters

Porters weighing gear

Your first night is spent in the Mandara A-frame Huts (2,700 meters) which come equipped with solar generated lighting, flush toilets and water piped in from a nearby mountain stream. Each hut has 6-8 bunk beds. If you are a light sleeper we suggest bringing ear plugs!

Day 2 – Mandara Hut (2,700 meters) to Horombo Hut (3,720 meters)

Distance : ~12km / 7 miles

Trekking time : 6-8 hours

Zone: Rainforest /   Low-alpine zone

Day two on the Marangu Route begins with an early start. You will be served breakfast and should be on your way by latest 08:30.

The trek continues through the rainforest, around the base of the Maundi Crater and then transitions rather rapidly into the low alpine moorland zone.

If the weather is clear you should definitely take the opportunity to scramble up the Maundi Crater to get your first full view of Kibo. 

During the trek you will also see giant lobelias which are scattered throughout the landscape at this altitude. Day two takes approximately 6-8 hours to complete and covers a significant distance (11.5km / 7miles). 

At Horombo Hut (3,720 meters) you will be served dinner and shown to your sleeping quarters for the night.

Day 3 – Acclimatisation Day at Horombo Hut

Distance : 0 km

Trekking time : 0 hours

Zone: Low-alpine zone / High-alpine zone

zebra rocks marangu kilimanjaro

If you are on a 6-Day Marangu Route, you usually do an extra  acclimatisation hike to Zebra Rocks.

This is an important acclimatisation day at Horombo. Most tour operators will take hikers on a hike towards Mawenzi. This is a 3 hour hike up and about 1.5 hours back. We highly recommend it as it will assist with acclimatisation.

Day 4 – Horombo Hut (3,720 meters) to Kibo Hut (4,700 meters)

Distance : 10 km / 6 miles

Trekking time : 5-7 hours

You will depart from Horombo Hut early and begin a 1,000 meter ascent to Kibo Hut which covers a distance of approximately 10km.

There are two routes to Kibo. The first, or upper route, forks to the right. Six day trekkers would have trekked this route on their  acclimatisation  day to Mawenzi Hut. You will most likely take the lower left hand route as it is easier and nearly an hour shorter. On the left hand route you will pass the last water point at 4,130 meters.

Make sure to fill up your water reserves here as you will not find another watering point until you get back to Horombo Hut from the summit (you are able to buy bottled mineral water at Kibo Hut).

At Kibo Hut you will be served an early dinner and should try get to bed before 19:00 as you will be awoken around 23:30 to start your 1,150 meter ascent to Uhuru Peak. Make sure that you have all your gear ready for a prompt departure, including insulated water, snacks, your headlamp and camera.

Hut accommodation on the Marangu Route

Hut accommodation on the Marangu Route

Day 5 – Kibo Hut (4,700 meters) to Uhuru Peak (5,895 meters) and then Horombo Hut (3,720 meters)

Distance : ~5.5km / 3 miles ascent and then 15km / 8 mile descent

Trekking time : 6-8 hours to the summit and then 5-8 hours to Horombo Hut

Zone: Glacial zone, high alpine zone and low alpine zone

Day five begins with summit night. After being awoken you will be served some hot tea and biscuits and will then begin your summit ascent.

The route follows a rocky path to the first check point, Hans Meyer Cave at 5,150 meters. It then continues to zigzag for a good 2-3 hours until you get to Gilman’s Point (5,681 meters) on Kibo’s crater rim. You will most likely be very tired at this point. 

Take some time to rest and refuel with a snack. The final push is tough and requires mental stamina. Focus on moving slowly and deliberately for the final 200 meter ascent.

kilimanjaro summit

Sunrise, with the summit in the distance. Not far to go now!

At Uhuru Peak (5,895 meters) you will not be able to stay too long so make sure to get all the pictures you want to take and then begin your descent back to Kibo Hut, and onto Horombo Hut. In total you will be trekking upwards of 12-16 hours. It will be one of the longest days of your life but well worth it! Here’s the good news, beers can be bought at Horombo!

Day 6 – Horombo Hut (3,720 meters) to Marangu Gate (1,870 meters)

Distance : 20 km / 12.5 miles

Zone: Low alpine zone and rainforest

Day six from Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate is nearly 20km but usually only takes 7 hours to complete. You will be exhausted at this stage and spend most of the hike imagining the hot shower you will be having that evening.

At Marangu Gate you will be presented with your certificate, either for Gilman’s Point or Uhuru Peak (depending on how far you managed to get). 

It is customary to present your support team with their hard-earned tips at this point . You will then be driven back to your hotel where celebrations can begin!

Kilimanjaro Marangu Route Altitude Profile

Here's what the Kilimanjaro Marangu route altitude profile looks like.


Other Kilimanjaro routes and helpful Mount Kilimanjaro trek guides:

  • Machame Route on Mt Kilimanjaro
  • Northern Circuit Kilimanjaro
  • Kilimanjaro Rongai Route
  • Umbwe Route Kilimanjaro
  • Lemosho Route on Kilimanjaro
  • Mount Kilimanjaro training  guide
  • Cost to climb Kilimanjaro

Mark Whitman

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Hi, I'm Mark! Welcome to Climb Kilimanjaro Guide - the Web's No.1 Trekking Guide to Mount Kilimanjaro. This site is your one stop shop for everything Kilimanjaro. To date over 5 million people have visited Climb Kilimanjaro Guide, many of which have gone on to summit Kili! I hope you find all the answers you are looking for, but if you have any questions don't hesitate to drop a comment below!

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Marangu route in 5 days (shot in Feb 2017):

do you have one day trek from maranga gates to Mandara Hut and back for 2 people

Hi Bob, some operators will offer a short one day hike. Unfortunately I don’t know any who provide this option though.

Machame Route is a most challenging and well profile Kilimanjaro route.

Hello, I was planning to climb using Marangu route, but as per your report success rate is low. Is it that difficult? I dont want to change my plan

Hi Girija, the Marangu is in fact one of the easier routes on Kilimanjaro in terms of terrain. The reason for the low summit success rate is due to it’s relatively poor acclimatisation profile and the fact that many trekkers opt to do the 5 day Marangu, which doesn’t provide much time to acclimatise. If you are doing the 6 day Marangu then you summit chances are quite high. All the best!

What was the age and sex of the oldest climer?

Female, 86 years old. Here is more information:

Can you recharge electronics at any of the huts?

It’s a great tour!

I have had both my knees replaced and have only about a 50 degree bend in my left knee, will this hinder my attempt on the Marangu 6 day route?

Hi Gary, if you are comfortable hiking 6-8 hours a day for multiple days then you should be fine. Personally I find coming down more challenging on the knees. This is particularly true on Kilimanjaro where the volcanic scree near the top of the mountain is loose and slippery. I highly recommend taking hiking poles. All the best!

Hi, What is the success rate from start to finish on the marangu route. If a member of our group can’t complete the trek, do they have to find accommodation or would you supply them. Thank you

Hi John, the Marangu unfortunately has one of the lowest summit success rates as many people take the 5-day option, which isn’t great for acclimatisation. The 6-day Marangu is a better option and has success rates in the high 70s/80s% (estimate). We don’t run treks but generally if someone get’s altitude sickness they will need to descend with a support crew member and will then either wait at one of the lower camps for the rest of the team to return, or if their condition is bad they will be rushed to hospital for treatment.

I am enquiring for my Son Rufus, who is 17 years old, and spends his life outside school bouldering at the climbing centre and is drawn to the mountain/outdoors activity life.

He has been very interested in being part of an exploration / adventure particularly ascending a mountain, such as Kilimanjaro, learning basic mountaineering.

He is fit and sensible and I wondered if his age is an impediment to joining one of your courses or does he need adult accompaniment outside paying for a guide ?

Many thanks Angus Aagaard

Hi Angus, most operators will require an adult to join minors under 18 years old. I hope your son gets the opportunity to go! All the best!

Can i climb through this route in 3 days ?

It is possible, but you would need to pre acclimatise otherwise you seriously run the risk of getting altitude sickness.

Am so excited to climb mount Kilimanjaro for the first time

kilimanjaro trek marangu route

Marangu route Kilimanjaro

The Marangu Route also known as the “Coca-Cola Route” is the oldest and most well established trekking route on Mount  Kilimanjaro, and it remains extremely popular mainly because it is the only route on the mountain that has hut accommodation for trekkers.

This path provides trekkers with the classic Kilimanjaro climbing experience, offering sweeping views and a wonderful hiking adventure all the way to the summit of Uhuru Peak. That said, it also has some unique aspects that set it apart from any of the other routes as well, giving Marangu route a character and feeling that is entirely its own.

Marangu route starting point

One of the more interesting aspects of Marangu Route is that it is the only route up Mount Kilimanjaro that doesn’t allow camping, so instead of sleeping in tents, trekkers stay in permanent huts instead.

These dormitory-style shelters provide extra protection from the wind and rain, which makes this route a popular one for travelers climbing during the rainy season, which comes in April and May. There are 60 bunk beds each at Mandara and Kibo Huts, and 120 bunk beds at Horombo Hut

While staying at those huts, trekkers will sleep in bunk beds equipped with a simple mattress and pillow. They’ll also be able to purchase an array of candy bars, bottled water, and soft drinks, which is why Marangu route is often referred to as the “Coca-Cola Route.”

Marangu Route offers a slow, steady climb to each of the daily camps, which has given it the reputation for being the easiest trekking route on Kilimanjaro.

Don’t underestimate this trail however, as the approach to the final camp can be physically demanding with roughly 1000 meters of vertical gain on that day alone.

Of course, summit day on Kilimanjaro is always a challenge no matter which direction you approach from, making the final steps onto the top all the more satisfying.

Because it is one of the shortest treks to the summit – requiring just five days to reach Uhuru Peak – the Marangu Route is a popular one with trekkers who have a limited amount of time for their climb.

Marangu Route Map

The downside to this is that it doesn’t provide as much of an opportunity to acclimatize to the altitude. Because of this, Marangu route has the highest failure rate of any of the routes up Mount Kilimanjaro. Keep that in mind when choosing this option for your Kilimanjaro trek.

The Marangu Route is also the only route that uses the same path going up and coming back down. That means that while the trail is a scenic one, trekkers will experience the same sites going up as they do going back down. And because it has traffic going both directions, Marangu can also get overly crowded at times too.

Still, for a classic Kilimanjaro experience, it is tough to top this tried and true route to the Roof of Africa.

Climbing Kilimanjaro offers Marangu as five or six day private climb. The five day variation does not have an acclimatization day on day three at Horombo Hut.

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Marangu Route 3D Video Trail Overview

Marangu Route 6 Day Itinerary Overview

Starting from Marangu Gate to the summit and back to Marangu Gate. For a day-by-day itinerary for the Marangu Route please click on this link: 6 day Marangu Route

Marangu Route Detailed Itinerary

Below, you will find a comprehensive 5 night/6 day climb up Kilimanjaro via the Marangu Route. If you would like to shorten your route to 5 days, skip the night of the Acclimatization Day and continue walking straight from the Horombo Huts to the Kibo Huts in one day.

Day 1: Mandara Huts

Once you have finished breakfast, it is time to leave Arusha and head towards the southeast entrance of Kilimanjaro National Park, better known as Marangu Gate. Upon arriving at Marangu Gate, you will be given the time to check-in and register. This is where you begin your ascent of Kilimanjaro. The first leg of this route takes you through the woods and the rainforest where you will be able to take in the eucalyptus trees and various species of birds. If you are lucky, you may just spot a Colobus monkey or two – keep an eye out for black or white fur! Make sure you have the appropriate equipment and footwear because the low altitudes can produce wet, muddy soil. Hiking: 5-7 hours Overnight Altitude: ~8,858 Habitat: Rainfores

Day 2: Mandara Huts – Horombo Huts

To start off day 2, you will explore the final stretch of woodland as the massive stretch of moorland begins to open up right in front of your eyes. On your walk, you can appreciate the jagged peaks of Mawenzi that ascend up towards the skies of Africa. It is common for people to experience the onset of altitude sickness at these heights. It is important to pay attention to how you feel and communicate with your guide at the first and slightest indication of illness. After reaching the Horombo Huts, you will have time to unpack and experience the view of Kibo before dinner. Hiking: 5-7 hours Overnight Altitude: ~12,205 Habitat: Heath/Moorland

Day 3 Acclimatization Day

You will spend an extra day at the Horombo Huts to allow your body to acclimate to the increasingly high altitude. You must stay at camp and relax if you are showing any signs of illness or are feeling especially tired. However, if you feel well-acclimated to the altitude, then you are free to walk up to Mawenzi Hut and admire the incredible view of Kibo and Mawenzi. Keep a steady pace and you walk the route and enjoy the magnificent landscape. Otherwise, you can take a journey to the remarkable Zebra Rocks. This requires a climb of 310 metres. Hiking: 1-2 hours Overnight Altitude: ~14,400 Habitat: Heath/Moorland

Day 4: Horombo Huts – Kibo Huts

On day 4, you will walk through varied and strikingly picturesque landscapes. To begin, you will continue across the heath as it slowly turns into the parched, desolate highlands between Mawenzi and Kibo. The scenery here is littered with huge and small volcanic rocks, acting as a testament to the volcanic activity of years past. The final stretch to the Kibo Huts is very steep and physically challenging.

Once you arrive at the Kibo Huts, it is time to organize your equipment and warm clothes for tomorrow’s journey to the peak. To prevent freezing, keep any water your plan on bringing in a thermos. Get to bed early, as the next day’s trek requires a full night’s sleep worth of energy. You are getting ready to take on Kilimanjaro’s most ultimate challenge! Hiking: 5-7 Hours Overnight Altitude: ~15,430 Habitat: Alpine Desert

Day 5 Kibo Huts – Gilman’s Point – Uhuru Peak – Horombo Huts

As you awake around midnight, there is just enough time for a small meal before you begin your nightly hike. Many hikers consider the difficult terrain, scattered with loose rocks, to be the most difficult part of the climb. The goal is to reach Gilman’s Point by dawn. This is to make sure that you can make it to Uhuru, the highest point of Kibo, shortly after sunrise. There will be a quick stop at Gilman’s Point to experience the glorious view. Afterward, you will continue along the edge of the crater to Uhuru – this is the last part of the ascent and features a steady incline.

Depending on when you take your journey, you may face snow on the final stretch of the path to the Uhuru Peak – the highest point in Africa and the very top of Kilimanjaro. As you reach the peak, an altitude of 5,895, you can congratulate yourself as you experience the astounding view and get a picture in front of the Uhuru Peak Sign.

Now it is time to start back towards the Kibo Huts, you will find that this part goes by incredibly quickly. At the Kibo Huts, you will stop to relax and enjoy a much-needed lunch, before moving along to the Horombo Huts, where you will enjoy a well-deserved full night’s rest. Hiking: 4-5 Hours Overnight Altitude: ~12,205

Day 6: Horombo Huts – Marangu Gate – Arusha

As we make the final descent through the rainforest to the Marangu Gate, we will have lunch and say farewell to our mountain crew.  Afterward, we will leave Mount Kilimanjaro National Park and drive back to Arusha for a much-need shower and a commemorative dinner! Hiking: 5-7 Hours Overnight Altitude: `1,843 Habitat: Alpine Desert

Frequently Asked Questions:

How difficult is the marangu route.

This route is attempted by many novice hikers every year as it offers comfortable hut accommodations, as opposed to other routes that require you to sleep in mountain tents. Many people attest that this route is less difficult compared to other hikes to the top of Kilimanjaro.

Marangu route common misconception for trekkers is perceive a 5-day hike to be easier than a 6-day hike. However, the 5-day options can be very difficult as it does not allow for much time to acclimate to the altitude.

The 6-day option is much easier, but a good level of fitness is still required.

What is the distance of the Marangu Route and how many days does it take to complete?

The exact distance on the Marangu Route is 82km or 50 miles. The shortest number of days required for the Marangu Route is 5 days, however, when you take into consideration the arrival and departure days, it is 9-10 days. As the Marangu Route is the shortest route on the mountain, it is best to complete the journey over 6 days to increase your chances of success.

What is the Maragu Route Summit Success Rate?

As it is one of the shortest routes on the mountain, the Marangu Route has the lowest summit success rates. This is mainly because of the unprofessional local tour guides who take groups up the mountain on the shorter 5-day hike. Because of this, the 5-day average success rate is 50%! We advise our hikers with this in mind, so we only take the 6-day option which increases the success rate to over 90%!

What scenery will I see on the Marangu Route?

The Marangu route ascends through the rainforest, moorlands, and alpine areas before ending in the glacial zone. This trek is very beautiful and is the only route that allows you to descend the same way you ascended.

Are there showers in the Marangu route?

Yes, there are showers and flushing toilets available at some of the huts in the Marangu route. However, the showers are cold and are available at Mandara hut and Horombo hut.

What is the best time to journey through the Marangu Route?

Between July and September is the best time to climb Kilimanjaro . The weather is the most stable during this period and encountering rain is less likely. Since it is close to the equator, it is possible to climb the mountain at any time during the year. Be cautious, April and May are the wettest months, so this period is best avoided.

kilimanjaro trek marangu route

What is the Best Route to Climb Kilimanjaro?

Marangu route.

marangu route

The Marangu Route is also known as the “Tourist Route” and the “Coca-Cola Route.” This is because Marangu is the most popular route on the mountain, and thus is considered “touristy”, and because the route is the only one that offers sleeping huts, which serve beverages like Coca-Cola, on the way.

Below is a map of the Marangu route on Kilimanjaro.

Marangu is the easiest route on Mount Kilimanjaro. It’s ascension profile is very gradual and steady, allowing for painless trekking for most of the way. However, due to its reputation as an easy route, Marangu is often selected by unprepared, unexperienced climbers. Correspondingly, only about 35% of the people actually make it to the top.

The trek begins in the south-east area of the mountain at Marangu Gate. The route takes five days minimum to complete, although six days is more practical and recommended. The sleeping huts along the route are structures with a dining hall and bunk beds, equipped with mattresses and pillows. The descent is done on the same path, contributing to Marangu’s overcrowded feeling. It is a cheaper climb as well, do to the close proximity of the gate to Moshi, the gateway town, and because it is a shorter route.

Scenically, Marangu is not a desirable route compared to all the other routes because it confines climbers to one area of the mountain, thus limiting the variety. However, Marangu has the best trail in the rainforest section of the trek. Of course, there are still great views of the Mawenzi and it’s equally spectacular for everyone at Uruhu.

Marangu is ideal for those who are not confident in their ability to hike over steeper paths. It’s also attractive for those who do not want to sleep in a tent. Marangu’s huts offer shelter and warmth against the weather so it is a decent choice when climbing during the rainy season. Marangu is for those who want to spend less on their climb, and do not mind crowds.

For more info on the Marangu Route …

How Long is the Marangu Route?

The distance of the Marangu route is approximately 82 km or 50 miles.

How Many Days Does it Take to Climb Kilimanjaro on the Marangu Route?

The Marangu route is typically done in 5 days, but the 6 day variation is significantly better.

How Hard is it to Climb Kilimanjaro on the Marangu Route?

The Marangu route is considered a hard route due of its short duration. Though the elevation gain is gradual and not strenuous, the short time spent on the mountain means climbers may have a difficult time acclimatizing.

What is the Success Rate of Climbing Kilimanjaro on the Marangu Route?

The park service last reported that the success rate of the 5 day Marangu route is only around 30% and the 6 day Marangu route is about 50%. Our Marangu success rates are consistently 15-20% higher than these figures.

How Much Does it Cost to Climb Kilimanjaro on the Marangu Route?

The cost to climb the Marangu route will vary between operators. Our current pricing for a private climb on the 5 day Marangu route is $2,299 per person.

What is the Itinerary for the 5 day Marangu Route?


Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut Elevation (ft): 6,046 ft to 8,858 ft Distance: 8 km Hiking Time: 4-5 hours Habitat: Rain Forest

We depart Moshi for Marangu Gate for the necessary formalities before beginning our trek. The hiking trail begins by ascending a beautiful, tropical rain forest. At the upper edge of the forest line, we have the opportunity to see blue monkeys. The trail then widens to expose beautiful hillsides until we reach Mandara Hut.

Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut Elevation (ft): 8,858 ft to 12,205 ft Distance: 12 km Hiking Time: 6-8 hours Habitat: Heath

We start the day continuing through the forest until the trail opens into high moorland. We may get our first views of Kibo and Mawenzi peaks – two of the three volcanic peaks that make up the summit of Kilimanjaro.

Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut Elevation (ft): 12,205 ft to 15,430 ft Distance: 10 km Hiking Time: 6-8 hours Habitat: Alpine Desert

We climb gradually, then cross the lunar desert of the “Saddle” between Mawenzi and Kibo. Our camp, Kibo Hut, sits at the bottom of the Kibo crater wall. Once here we rest, enjoy an early dinner to prepare for the summit day.

Kibo Hut to Uhuru Peak Elevation (ft): 15,430 ft to 19,341 ft Distance: 6 km Hiking Time: 6-8 hours Habitat: Arctic

Uhuru Peak to Horombo Hut Elevation (ft): 19,341 ft to 12,250 ft Distance: 16 km Hiking Time: 4-5 hours Habitat: Heath

Very early in the morning (around midnight), we begin our push to the summit. This is the most mentally and physically challenging portion of the trek. The wind and cold at this elevation and time of day can be extreme. We ascend in the darkness for several hours while taking frequent, but short, breaks. At Gilman’s point (18,600 ft), you will be rewarded with the most magnificent sunrise you are ever likely to see coming over Mawenzi Peak. Finally, we arrive at Uhuru Peak- the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro and the continent of Africa.

After spending a few moments taking in the plains of Africa and your accomplishment, we descend to Horombo Hut. Later in the evening, we enjoy our last dinner on the mountain and a well-earned sleep.

Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate Elevation (ft): 12,205 ft to 6,046 ft Distance: 20 km Hiking Time: 5-7 hours Habitat: Rain Forest

On our last day, we have a long trek mostly downhill through the tropical rainforest. Once at the park headquarters at Marangu gate, we collect our summit certificates. A vehicle will meet us here and drive us back to the hotel in Moshi.

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6 Days Marangu Route Itinerary, Success Rate, Pros, and Cons

The Marangu Route Itinerary is a popular trekking path to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. It is often referred to as the “Coca Cola” route as it is considered the easiest route, with a gradual slope and direct path. The Marangu route typically takes five to six days to complete, with accommodations in mountain huts along the way.  This means that the Marangu route is busy and if you are traveling alone you can easily join in with another group for company. It is a more moderate ascent making it less difficult to climb than the others. Porters carry all of your equipment and supplies, and a cook prepares all your meals. It is also known as the Coca-Cola route.  is the oldest established Kilimanjaro route, following Hans Meyer’s groundbreaking path closely up and down Kilimanjaro.  The German geologist Meyer  was the first to climb Kilimanjaro in 1889, accompanied by the Austrian climber Ludwig Purtscheller and  the Kilimanjaro local guide Yohani Kinyala Lauwo. The Marangu route itinerary includes beautiful scenery such as the Mandara and Horombo huts, the Maundi Crater, and the Kibo hut. Despite its reputation for being easier, the success rate is not as high as other routes due to the fast ascent which doesn’t allow proper acclimatization. The Marangu Route is known for its slow, steady climb to each of the daily camps, making it appear as the easiest trekking route, although the final approach can be physically demanding, with around 1000 meters of vertical gain on the last day alone.

What is the easiest Kilimanjaro Route

The Marangu Route is considered to be the easiest Kilimanjaro route on the mountain, due to its gradual slope and direct path. It is the only route on Mount Kilimanjaro with the comforts of sleeping Kilimanjaro huts at every campsite with solar lights and comfortable beds. The 6-day Marangu route variation provides an extra day for acclimatization to the altitude, increasing the chance of a successful summit.

Marangu Route Pros and Cons

The Marangu Route, often referred to as the “Coca Cola” route, is one of the most popular routes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro due to its relative ease and comfort. Pros include its well-defined path, lower cost, and the availability of comfortable sleeping huts with amenities like beds and toilets. However, the cons include its high traffic, lower success rate due to faster ascent which doesn’t allow proper acclimatization, and less scenic variety compared to other routes.

Marangu Route Success Rates 

The Marangu Route, also known as the “Coca Cola” route, is one of the most popular routes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. However, despite its popularity, it has a relatively low success rate compared to other routes. This is largely due to its shorter duration (typically 5-6 days), which doesn’t allow climbers enough time to acclimatize to the high altitude. The success rate varies depending on the source, but it is generally reported to be between 50% and 70%. Longer climbs on the Marangu Route, which allows for better acclimatization, tend to have higher success rates.


The best time to trek the Marangu Route, also known as the “Coca Cola” route up Mount Kilimanjaro, is during the dry seasons, which are from late June to October and from late December to early March. These periods offer the most favorable weather for climbing. However, it’s important to note that even during these periods, weather on Mount Kilimanjaro can be unpredictable and can change rapidly.


The Marangu Route, often referred to as the “Coca-Cola” route, is considered the easiest path to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. However, the term “easy” is relative as it still involves a significant physical challenge due to the high altitude, steep climbs, and potential for extreme weather conditions. The route typically takes five to six days to complete, and while it is well-marked and accommodates many climbers with hut accommodations, it has a lower success rate for reaching the summit due to the faster ascent, which doesn’t allow for proper acclimatization.


The Marangu Route, often referred to as the “Coca-Cola” route, is the most popular path to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The scenery along this route is incredibly diverse and breathtaking. It starts in the lush rainforests at the base of the mountain, transitions into moorlands with giant heather and lobelia plants, then alpine desert with little vegetation, and finally the arctic zone at the summit. The route also features unique sights such as the Maundi Crater, the stunning views of Mawenzi, and the Kibo huts, which offer a panoramic view of the surrounding landscapes.


The Marangu Route, often referred to as the “Coca Cola” route, is considered the easiest path to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. Despite being the easiest, it still presents a significant challenge due to the high altitude, steep climbs, and potential for extreme weather conditions. The route typically takes five to six days to complete, with the success rate varying greatly depending on the climbers’ physical fitness, acclimatization, and preparation.


The Marangu Route, often referred to as the “Coca-Cola” route, is one of the most popular routes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Due to its relative ease, direct path, and the fact that it is the only route on the mountain that offers sleeping huts, it tends to be quite busy throughout the year. The route can become particularly crowded during the peak climbing seasons of January-March and June-October.


The Kilimanjaro Marangu Route Huts are a series of accommodations located along the Marangu Route, one of the most popular paths to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The huts provide climbers with basic shelter and amenities, including bunk beds, communal dining areas, and bathroom facilities. The route includes several huts such as Mandara Hut, Horombo Hut, and Kibo Hut, each at different altitudes, allowing climbers to rest, acclimatize, and prepare for the next day’s climb.


The Marangu route, also known as the “Coca-Cola” route, is one of the most popular routes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The trek typically takes five to six days to complete, although some climbers prefer to add an extra day for acclimatization to the altitude.


The Marangu Route, also known as the “Coca-Cola” route, is one of the most popular paths to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The total distance of the Marangu Route is approximately 72 kilometers or 45 miles round trip, starting from Marangu Gate to the summit and back. This route typically takes five to six days to complete.


The Marangu Itinerary for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, also known as the “Coca-Cola” route, is one of the most popular routes to the summit. This route is considered the easiest path as it provides huts along the way for climbers to rest and sleep. The trek typically takes five to six days and covers approximately 72 kilometers. The journey begins at Marangu Gate and passes through rainforests, moorlands, and The Saddle, a high-altitude desert, before reaching the summit at Uhuru Peak. Despite being the easiest route, success is not guaranteed due to the relatively quick ascent, which may not provide enough time for proper altitude acclimatization.

If you Gilmans Point (green certificate) or Uhuru Peak (gold certificate) have passed, then you get to the entrance / exit a certificate with the message that you have reached the highest point in Africa.



The 5 Days Marangu Route Itinerary is a popular trekking route for those looking to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. The journey begins at Marangu Gate and takes trekkers through lush rainforests, alpine meadows, and barren landscapes before reaching the summit at Uhuru Peak. The Marangu Route, also known as the “Coca Cola” route, is considered the easiest path on the mountain, with a well-defined trail, equipped huts for accommodation, and a relatively gradual slope. However, the quick ascent means acclimatization can be a challenge, making this route have a lower success rate.

Day 1: On arrival at Kilimanjaro airport, you’ll be driven to the base hotel. This evening you’ll have a briefing where you’ll be given details about the forthcoming climb and have a chance to ask any questions.
Day 2 : After breakfast, you’ll be driven to the Marangu Gate at the south-east of the mountain. You’ll have about 4-5 hours walking through the lush rainforest before arriving at Mandara Hut, 2,700m.
Day 3: You’ll walk about 15 km today through changing vegetation. It’ll take 5-6 hours to reach Horombo Hut, 3,720m 3,720m
Day 4: From Horombo you’ll continue the climb, crossing The Saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo peaks. Your destination is Kibo Hut, 4,703m. This will be a long and tiring day as altitude will start to tell. Expect to spend between 6 and 8 hours walking.
Day 5 : Summit day! You’ll be woken at around midnight for the 5-hour walk up steep scree to Gillman’s Point at 5,690m. There will be plenty of rest stops on the way. It’s another 1-2 hours around the crater rim to Uhuru Peak at 5,895m. Give yourself a few moments to enjoy your achievement before beginning the descent back to Horombo Hut, a descent of some 4-5 hours.
Day 6 : After breakfast at Horombo you’ll continue down to the park gates a Marangu, 1,843m, 5-7 hours walking. Here you’ll be picked up and driven back to the base hotel. Check into your room and enjoy the luxury of a hot shower before a drink or two in the bar and a celebratory dinner.
Day 7 : Transfer to Kilimanjaro airport for your onward travels.


7 days climbing kilimanjaro – marangu route in 5 days  – prices and services, 8 days climbing kilimanjaro – marangu route in 6 days.

The 6 Days Marangu Route Itinerary is a popular trekking route for adventurers aiming to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. The Marangu Route, also known as the “Coca-Cola” route, is the oldest, most well-established route and the only one that offers sleeping huts in dormitory-style accommodations. The journey begins at Marangu Gate and takes trekkers through rainforests, moorlands, and alpine deserts, with the final ascent to Uhuru Peak. The descent is also made via the Marangu Route. The trek is typically completed in 6 days, providing a challenging but achievable goal for those with a reasonable level of fitness.

Day 2: After breakfast, you’ll be driven to the Marangu Gate at the south-east of the mountain. You’ll have about 4-5 hours walking through the lush rainforest before arriving at Mandara Hut, 2,700m.
Day 4 : This is your acclimatization day. You can take an optional hike to Mawenzi Hut and then descend back to Horombo Hut, about 2-3 hours walking. This allows your body to get used to the effects of altitude and should increase your chance of success.
Day 5 : From Horombo you’ll continue the climb, crossing The Saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo peaks. Your destination is Kibo Hut, 4,703m. This will be a long and tiring day as altitude will start to tell. Expect to spend between 6 and 8 hours walking.
Day 6 : Summit day! You’ll be woken at around midnight for the 5-hour walk up steep scree to Gillman’s Point at 5,690m. There will be plenty of rest stops on the way. It’s another 1-2 hours around the crater rim to Uhuru Peak at 5,895m. Give yourself a few moments to enjoy your achievement before beginning the descent back to Horombo Hut, a descent of some 4-5 hours.
Day 7 : After breakfast at Horombo you’ll continue down to the park gates a Marangu, 1,843m, 5-7 hours walking. Here you’ll be picked up and driven back to the base hotel. Check into your room and enjoy the luxury of a hot shower before a drink or two in the bar and a celebratory dinner.
Day 8 : Transfer to Kilimanjaro airport for your onward travels.


8 days climbing kilimanjaro – marangu route in 6 days  – prices and services .

  • Accommodation in Standard Hotels on Twin Sharing Basis 
  • Local Guide & Support Staffs 
  • All Private Ground Transportation Including Airport Transfers 
  • Meals in the Mountain 
  • Lifetime Deposit 
  • No Booking Fee
  • For Your Information, International flights, and Tanzania visas aren’t included.  Rooms are usually shared by two people unless you request a private room. Also, you can upgrade to better hotels in the mountains and even in the cities. For your customized services.

Costs of additional services:

  • Extra day on the Mountain costs $350 per person.
  • Extra porter, for excess gear, $30 per day
  • Extra hotel night in Moshi, check-in 11 AM, check out 10 AM, per double room $180
  • Sleeping bag rental, Mountain Hardware Lamina, synthetic -30F, per trip $50
  • Trekking poles rental, telescopic, per trip $20

Climbing Kilimanjaro Exclusive Packages

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5 Days Marangu Route: The Ultimate Coca-Cola trail Itinerary

5 Days Marangu Route: The Ultimate Coca-Cola trail Itinerary. The Marangu Route is also known as the “Coca Cola” or “tourist” route. It is the easiest and shortest route to the summit. This is also the only route that offers accommodation in huts at every point you spend your night with solar lights and comfortable beds. Bathrooms and running water are available at the two lower huts.

Marangu Route 5 Days: Trekking Itinerary & Prices

Included in this trek:.

  • Professional, experienced, mountain guides:
  • All Park fees Airport transfers Rescue fees
  • All meals while on the Mountain
  • Guides, Porters, cook salaries and park fees
  • Large portions of fresh, healthy nutritious food
  • Clean, purified drinking water
  • Medical Kit
  • Emergency oxygen
  • Crisis management and safety procedures
  • Fair and ethical treatment of porters
  • Hotel before and after the hike

Items not included

  • Alcoholic and soft drinks
  • Tips Personal spending monies for souvenirs etc.
  • Travel insurance

5 Days Marangu Route: Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: marangu gate (1700m) – mandara hut 2740m – (5,500ft to 9,000ft).

After breakfast and briefing, drive to the Marangu village and proceed to Kilimanjaro National Park Gate (45 minutes), register at Kilimanjaro National Park Authority offices, and commence the climb. Walkthrough the rainforest to the Mandara hut located at 9,000 ft / 2,740 m. A side trip to Maundi Crater is a good way to see the surroundings including Northern Tanzania.

Marangu Gate

Marangu Gate

Day 2: Mandara Hut (2,740m) – Horombo Hut (3700m) – (9,000ft to 12,100ft)

In the morning around 8:30 a.m after breakfast start trekking to Horombo hut. After about 1 hour, you will leave the glades of the rainforest and follow an ascending path on the open moorlands to the Horombo hut. The view of Kibo summit and Mawenzi are both stunning and shining on clear days. In most cases, giant lobelias and groundsels are found on your way. Horombo hut is a point where most climbers use it for acclimatization whereby they spend an extra day. Spending an extra day gives a wide chance for a successful summit of the roof of Africa.

Mandara Hut Camp

Mandara Hut Camp

Day 3: Horombo Hut (3700m) – Kibo Hut (4700m) – (12,100ft to 15,400ft)

In the morning after breakfast, the trek will take us to the last watering point, walking onto the saddle of Kilimanjaro between the peaks of Kibo and Mawenzi. Vegetation begins with the upper heartland but then disappears into the desert-like structure. At Kibo, you will have your dinner, take a nap, and in the middle of the night around 23:30 hours prepare for the summit climb.

Day 4: Kibo Hut (4,750m/15,580ft) to Summit (5,895m/19,340ft) to Horombo Hut (3,720m/12,200ft)

Elevation Gain: 1,145 meters, 3,760 feet

Elevation Loss: 2,175 meters, 7,140 feet

Around midnight, awake for the final ascent to Uhuru Peak, the roof of Africa. The hike begins with a demanding five-hour hike to Gillman’s Point on the crater rim. Although this is considered to be the easiest of the three crater ascent paths, it is still extremely difficult. The first major rest stop, William’s Point, lies at 5000 meters and is approximately a two-hour hike in Kibo Hut. Continue on for thirty minutes before beginning the rocky switchbacks that will continue to Gillman’s Point (5,681 meters). The hike from Gilman’s to Uhuru Peak is a gradual climb and as far as hikes go, not very difficult. The altitude, however, makes the hike long and tiring. The crater rim hike takes approximately two hours. Upon reaching Uhuru, take photos of your guide and group at the peak before beginning the descent to Horombo Hut. On the way down from the summit, you will see all of the magnificent views you could not see on the way up. Stop for a short break and snacks at Kibo Hut before continuing on to Horombo Hut. Reach Horombo Hut in the afternoon and enjoy your last night on the mountain.

Day 5: Horombo Hut (3,720m/12,200ft) to Marangu Gate (1,800m/5,905ft)

Elevation Loss: 1,920 meters, 6,295 feet

After breakfast, finish the trek with a descent to Marangu Gate. Your last hike on Kilimanjaro is a beautiful one, passing through Kilimanjaro’s cloud forest. Watch your step during the descent, as the trail can be slippery. Our vehicles will be waiting at Marangu Gate to take you back to Moshi.

End of the 5 Days Marangu Route Kilimanjaro

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Marangu Route - Kilimanjaro

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Marangu route distance

  • Distance: The Marangu route is 72 kilometres (45 miles). 
  • Location: The route approaches Mount Kilimanjaro from the southeast. The trail itself starts at Marangu gate. 
  • Height: The route reaches the summit of Kilimanjaro at the Uhuru peak reaching a height of 5,895 metres (19,341 feet).
  • Trail conditions: During the hike, you will travel through misty forests, moorlands, a desertlike alpine area in the Saddle, and rocky paths and snow when you are near the summit.    

As for scenery, of course, the Marangu route is still breathtakingly beautiful. However, it is considered to be less scenic , as the ascent and descent travel along the same path and is sometimes crowded . The trail is well maintained due to its popularity and will have you travelling through forests or the Saddle (a high-altitude desert) before reaching the Kibo Hut. 

Marangu route huts

  • Mandara Hut
  • Horombo Hut
  • Kibo Hut  

Before you start planning your trek, don’t be tricked into thinking that a solid roof over your head makes this journey any easier. In the huts, everything is communal; from the basic washrooms to the showers and the dining halls.  Aside from the added bonus of hut facilities on the trail, many hikers and trekkers opt for the Marangu route because it is considered to be the easiest route on Kilimanjaro thanks to its gentle slope and direct path. Don’t forget though, as we mentioned earlier, the short time frame adds to the difficulty . 

Marangu route 6-day itinerary

The Marangu route can take anywhere between 5-6 days to complete. However, it is suggested to avoid the 5-day trek as the quick ascent may reduce your chances of reaching the summit. The main itinerary difference between the Marangu 5-day and 6-day route is the additional acclimatisation day. Previous trekking experience is highly recommended, as the days will feature 6-8 hours hiking with daily ascents of 900m to 1,000m , perhaps with the odd day ascending around 1,100m to 1,200m.  You will need complete confidence in your ability to trek for many days over difficult terrain. Extremes of altitude and weather may be encountered and a degree of physical and mental stamina will be essential to complete the hike as the days will be tiring. 

Marangu route success rate

The Marangu route, or the Coca-Cola route, is known to be one of the least expensive routes to complete due to the shorter time allocated to reach the summit. Yet it also shares the lowest success rates, as hikers tend to rush to reach the top. Skipping one additional acclimatisation day can significantly lower the average success rate of 50%.

Marangu route tips

  • If time and budget allow, aim for at least a 6-day hike and avoid the 5-day option, as this will allow your body to acclimate to the altitude and will help you succeed in reaching the summit. 
  • Prepare a 'Kilimanjaro playlist' to listen to during your hike to help break the mental and physical exhaustion you will likely face during your hike – especially on the summit night! 
  • Take it easy and don't try to rush to the top. 
  • Take a close look at your packing list to make sure you have all of the right gear, including footwear, clothing, snacks, and equipment. 
  • Remember: water is a hiker's best friend, and staying hydrated could be the difference between reaching the summit or not. 

How to climb the Marangu route

How do i prepare for the marangu route.

Any physical activity you can do beforehand will help make your ascent more enjoyable. As for how hard you train, this will depend on whether you're aiming for the Uhuru Peak or embarking on a shorter journey and will be different for everyone. Learn more .

When should I climb the Marangu route?

You can climb the Marangu route year-round, but it may be wet and cold which means you should be equipped with the right waterproof gear. Consider climbing between January–March and June–October. Note that April, May and November are the wettest months.  Learn more.

What should I pack and what equipment do I need?

While trekking tour operators may supply some of the gear you’ll need, there are a few non-negotiables you will need that includes waterproof gear, a headlamp, sunglasses, appropriate hiking boots, personal medication, a non-disposable water bottle and a cap or a beanie for example. Learn more .

How to get to the Marangu route?

Before you start your hiking escapade to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, you will need to establish how to get there, and the best mode of transport to suit your itinerary or tour. Travellers flying from the UK, the US, Australia or Canada and other parts of the world have a few options to explore. Learn more.

What are the climbing requirements for the Marangu route?

Mount Kilimanjaro welcomes hikers of all levels of fitness and ability, but if you’re planning to reach the summit, careful planning and vigorous training is vital. Consider adding extra time to your itinerary to avoid altitude sickness and to enjoy your time climbing Kilimanjaro. Learn more .

What permits do I need?

Each visitor will be required to pay a fee per person, per day for the conservation fee to help manage the national park, however, most tours will cover the permits and entry fees are included in the price.  Learn more .

Mount Kilimanjaro routes

  • Machame Route . Distance: 62 km, average duration:  6-7 days, success rate: 75%-85%
  • Marangu Route .  Distance: 72 km, average duration: 5-6 days, success rate: 50% 
  • Lemosho Route . Distance: 70 km, average duration: 7-8 days, success rate: 65%-90%
  • Rongai Route . Distance: 73 km, average duration: 6-7 days, success rate: 65%-80%
  • Shira Plateau Route . Distance: 56 km, average duration: 7-8 days
  • Umbwe Route . Distance: 53 km, average duration: 5-6 days, success rate: 60%-70% 
  • Northern Circuit Route . Distance: 98 km, average duration: 8-9 days, success rate: 95% 

Marangu route tours & reviews

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Mount Kilimanjaro climbing via Marangu Route 8 days Tanzania (all accommodation and transport are included)

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8 days from €1,978

7 Days Mount Kilimanjaro - Marangu Route

7 Days Mount Kilimanjaro - Marangu Route

7 days from €2,285

  • Relax at the end of your hiking days in a comfortable mountain hut Hike easier knowing that this route has good acclimatisation Marvel in the incredible panoramic views and beautiful scenery

8 Days Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing - Marangu Route

8 Days Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing - Marangu Route

8 days from €2,743

  • Relax at the end of your hiking days in a comfortable mountain hut Marvel in the incredible panoramic views and beautiful scenery Hike easier knowing that this route has good acclimatisation

Kilimanjaro: Marangu Route

Kilimanjaro: Marangu Route

8 days from €3,165 €2,849

  • Hike through forests and alpine meadows Watch the sunrise behind Mawenzi Peak Reach the highest point in Africa Stay in a mountain hut

Mt Kilimanjaro Trek - Marangu Route

Mt Kilimanjaro Trek - Marangu Route

7 days from €2,829 €2,122

Kilimanjaro climbing marangu route 5 days

Kilimanjaro climbing marangu route 5 days

5 days from €1,465

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7 Days Tanzania Mount Kilimanjaro Trek using Marangu Route

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Machame Vs Marangu: Which Popular Kilimanjaro Trekking Route is Best for You?

Machame Vs Marangu: Which Popular Kilimanjaro Trekking Route is Best for ...

Follow Alice's Marangu route map, Kilimanjaro

The Marangu route on Kilimanjaro – a day-by-day itinerary

The Marangu is the original Kilimanjaro route. It's the only route where you stay in huts instead of camping. It's not a steep route, but it has a low summit success rate as its acclimatisation profile is poor. Here's a day-by-day description of the route.

Marangu route at a glance

The Marangu is one of the oldest and most popular Kilimanjaro route. It's sometimes called the Coca-Cola route because you stay in huts and can buy a Coke en route.

The Marangu route approaches the summit of Kilimanjaro from the southeast. Overall it's a relatively easy route, having very few steep climbs. But it doesn't let you acclimatise well, so trekkers using this route often develop altitude sickness and don't make it to the summit.

The Marangu route can be completed over five or six days and is 72 km (45 miles) in total. It approaches the summit of Kilimanjaro by ascending the southeastern slope.

The Marangu is the only one of the seven Kilimanjaro routes to offer hutted accommodation. On all of the other routes you must camp. (That said, you could choose to camp on the Marangu route if you wish.)

Given the hut situation, Marangu trekkers are the only ones who use the same route for their descent. This makes the Marangu the route with the least varied scenery. The scenery that you do see is nonetheless very beautiful!

The Marangu route sees you climb through a handful of distinct climatic zones, namely rainforest, moorland, alpine desert and arctic summit.

The graph below shows the six-day Marangu route in profile. The five-day route profile doesn't have a dip in its profile – instead it's just one steady incline. As we discuss later on, this feature where you climb up and then drop back down in elevation is actually very good at helping you to acclimatise well.

Marangu route elevation in metres

Detailed route description

Some Kilimanjaro tour operators offer a five-day Marangu route, but we don't feel that this is safe, as the acclimatisation time on such an itinerary is too short. We therefore outline the more responsible, six-day Marangu itinerary below.

Updated map of 6-day Marangu route on Kilimanjaro

Map showing the six-day Marangu route on Kilimanjaro

Day 1: Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut

  • Elevation: 1,843 m to 2,700 m
  • Distance: 8 km / 5 miles
  • Hiking time: 4-5 hours
  • Habitat: Rainforest

On Day 1 of your Kilimanjaro trek you hike though dense rainforest, though at points there are openings in the vegetation that offer views of the farmlands which cover the base of the mountain outside of the Kilimanjaro National Park. The day's trail ends at Mandara Hut, where you overnight.

Tangled rainforest of Marangu route, Kilimanjaro

A section of the Marangu route on Day 1

Day 2: Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut

  • Elevation: 2,700 m to 3,720 m
  • Distance: 12 km / 7 miles
  • Hiking time: 6-8 hours
  • Habitat: Moorland

On Day 2 you trek through more beautiful rainforest, but soon the forest gives way to moorland. The snowcapped peaks of Kibo and Mawenzi can be seen. After trekking for six to eight hours you reach Horombo Hut, where you stay for the night.

Seated blue monkey looking at camera in rainforest of Marangu route, Kilimanjaro

A blue monkey spotted in the forest on the Marangu route

Day 3: Horombo Hut to Mawenzi Ridge to Horombo Hut

Your third day on the mountain can be split into two parts: a climb to Mawenzi Ridge, followed by a return to Horombo Hut. The reason for this is that it's in keeping with the 'climb high, sleep low' acclimatisation strategy that helps your body to better adjust to the demanding elevation.

Part 1 | Horombo Hut to Mawenzi Ridge

  • Elevation: 3,720 m to 4,390 m
  • Distance: 5 km / 3 miles
  • Hiking time: 2-3 hours

This part of the day's trek sees you climb from Horombo Hut up into the heath zone of Kilimanjaro. The turning point of the climb comes when you reach the horseshoe-shaped Mawenzi ridge.

Trees of moorland zone on Marangu route, Kilimanjaro

You ascend from forest to heath on today's hike

Part 2 | Mawenzi Ridge to Horombo Hut

When you reach Mawenzi ridge, you spend some time taking in the breathtaking views before heading back down to Horombo Hut for another night. As already mentioned, climbing high and then sleeping low is an important acclimatisation strategy.

During the trek on the Marangu route you should strive to climb slowly and steadily. Kilimanjaro is not a race!

During the trek you should strive to climb slowly and steadily. Kilimanjaro is not a race!

Day 4: Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut

  • Elevation: 3,720 m to 4,750 m
  • Distance: 10 km / 6 miles
  • Habitat: Alpine desert

Today you traverse the so-called Saddle, a five-mile stretch of rubble and relative emptiness that connects the craters of Mawenzi and Kibo. You spend the night at Kibo Hut.

Trekkers on flat open path on Marangu route in alpine desert, Kilimanjaro

Trekkers traverse the so-called Saddle of Kilimanjaro

Day 5: Kibo Hut to Uhuru Peak to Horombo Hut

Similarly to Day 3, today's trek consists of two parts. For the first part, you strike out for the summit! Having hopefully successfully reached it, you start your descent down the mountain, stopping at the now familiar Horombo Hut for the night.

Part 1 | Kibo Hut to Uhuru Peak

  • Elevation: 4,703 m to 5,895 m
  • Distance: 6 km / 4 miles
  • Hiking time: 7-8 hours
  • Habitat: Arctic

Your guide wakes you up around midnight to get ready for the ascent. Today is usually the most mentally and physically challenging part of the entire Kilimanjaro climb. The route ascends northwest into the dark night. Within about six hours you reach Stella Point and enjoy the sunrise. After that, you trek for about another hour on a snow-covered trail to reach Uhuru Peak at 5,895 m (19,341 ft) at the very top of Africa!

Glacier at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

Glacier near the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

Part 2 | Uhuru Peak to Horombo Hut

  • Elevation: 5,895 m to 3,720 m
  • Distance: 16 km / 10 miles

After reaching the summit, you descend to Horombo Hut for the night. Having hiked for about 12 to 15 hours, you’ll fall asleep immediately, trust us!

Bird seated in a dead tree in alpine zone on Kilimanjaro's Marangu route

A little bird spotted in the alpine zone of the Marangu route

Day 6: Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate

  • Elevation: 3,720 m to 1,843 m
  • Distance: 20 km / 12 miles
  • Hiking time: 5-7 hours
  • Habitat: Moorland and rainforest

Today you do the last bit of hiking down through the rainforest to the foot of the mountain, where your driver is waiting for you. Time for a beer and a great celebration dinner!

Our opinion of the route

During your research you may have heard that the Marangu route is the cheapest, easiest and most popular route up Kilimanjaro. This is, in fact, an outdated view, and we feel quite the opposite. The Marangu route is probably one of our least favourite Kilimanjaro climb routes. Whilst offering rewarding views from the Saddle (a high-altitude desert), it's less scenic than other Kilimanjaro routes because you ascend and descend via the same trail.

The Marangu route is the only Kilimanjaro route to offer hut accommodation. On all other routes you must camp. On the Marangu route you sleep in dormitory-like huts that provide mattresses and other basic amenities. This makes the route a popular choice for budget operators that don’t have camping equipment.​ We only recommend choosing this route if you really don't want to camp.

Porters on open path in alpine desert of Marangu route, Kilimanjaro

A high section of the Marangu route in the alpine desert

What is the scenery like on the Marangu?

The Marangu route is less scenic than the other Kilimanjaro routes because you ascend and descend along the same path.

That said, the scenery is still very beautiful! You pass through rainforest, moorland, high-altitude desert, and an arctic summit. It's just worth noting that other routes offer more variety in the way of scenery because their ascent and descent routes differ.

Tangled tree trunk and dense vegetation of forest zone on Marangu route, Kilimanjaro

Tangled trees in the rainforest band of the Marangu route

How hard is the Marangu route?

The Marangu route has a reputation for being an 'easy' climb, but this perception is actually misleading. Yes, it offers amenities like hut accommodation and, yes, it's a comparatively shorter route and, yes, you don't have to scale the steep Barranco Wall . But it demands you ascend quickly and so many people climbing this route suffer from poor acclimatisation and thus don't make it to the summit.

The Marangu route actually has one of the lowest summit success rates of all the seven Kilimanjaro routes, meaning the percentage of folks using this route that actually reach Uhuru Peak is poor. Whilst there are no official statistics, the average summit success rate across all Kilimanjaro operators for the Marangu route is around 50%.

Trekkers on Marangu route on Kilimanjaro crossing the Saddle

Trekkers crossing the Saddle

How busy is the Marangu route?

The Marangu route is a popular choice among the seven Kilimanjaro ascent routes because it's seen as an easier climb, given its gradual slope and direct path. It's also popular with those who don't like camping. And it can be a cheaper trek since your tour operator doesn't need as many porters given the fact that camping equipment isn't necessary.

The Marangu is therefore a busy route and can get crowded. If you want to avoid the crowds, this Kilimanjaro route is not for you. We suggest considering the Northern Circuit if you're keen for a really quiet trek.

Trekkers making their way up the Marangu route

Trekkers making their way up the Marangu route

Do you camp on the Marangu route?

The Marangu route is the only route to offer hut accommodation. That said, it's also possible to camp at the hutted campsites.

There are 60 bunk beds at both Mandara and Kibo Huts, and 120 bunk beds at Horombo Hut. You must bring your own sleeping bags, but you're supplied with mattresses and pillows at the various huts. You should check to see if your chosen tour operator has a winter sleeping bag you can use.

A-frame huts at MArangu route campsite with blanket of cloud below

Some of the communal huts on the Marangu route

The huts themselves have communal dining halls and washrooms. The latter range in quality: you can expect running water and flushing toilets at the lower huts, and buckets of water and long drops at Kibo Hut.

Having read all we have to say on the Marangu route, we recommend that you read The seven different Kilimanjaro routes – pros and cons of each to see how this route stacks up against the others in terms of its difficulty, summit success rate, and more.

Kilimanjaro: Marangu Route

8 days | set out to conquer africa’s highest peak.

Intrepid traveller at Uhuru Peak summit sign, Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Take on Kilimanjaro on an eight-day trekking adventure. This is the most popular and direct of the mountain routes and the only one serviced by mountain huts to provide protection from the elements. With one guide for every two passengers and a team of porters, all you have to do is focus on the incredible views and keep your footing, while the crew keeps you safe and sound. Hike through forests and alpine meadows, over rocky ravines and past lunar landscapes to the spectacular summit of Africa's highest peak – the panoramic views from the top of Mt Kilimanjaro must be seen to be believed.

Trip overview

  • Sleep in mountain huts during your trek and enjoy an included acclimatisation day at Horombo Hut to give you the best chance of reaching the summit.
  • Travelling with experienced guides – the best on the mountain – plus trained porters, you'll be in good hands, with one guide for every two trekkers.
  • Passing through vast grasslands, giant cacti fields and alpine meadows, all against dramatic mountain backdrops, the Marangu Route is popular for good reason.
  • Hike Kilimanjaro's climactic last stretch by lamplight and give yourself as much chance as possible to watch a sunrise over icefields from behind Africa’s highest peak.
  • We’re an official partner with the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project. Hike easier knowing that while our porters are taking care of you, there’s someone looking out for them.
  • Although no mountaineering experience is required, a good level of physical fitness is necessary to tackle Mt Kilimanjaro. You’ll need to be comfortable walking 6–8 hours uphill a day. The distances may not be long, but the altitude makes it harder than your average uphill hike. You can find our detailed guide to tackling Mt Kilimanjaro here .
  • The sky’s the limit! Sections of this trip take you above 2800 metres (9200 ft), where it is common to experience altitude sickness.
  • Temperatures at night can get very low when you're above 3500 metres, so clothing and a sleeping bag made for this kind of climate are essential. You can hire this at the beginning of your trip if you need, but make sure you speak to your travel agent or an Intrepid representative for details.
  • Your safety comes first. All our guides and trekking leaders have been trained by independent, UK-based medical specialists and are proficient in first aid. They also carry oxygen cylinders on all treks for emergency use.
  • You must be prepared to share the huts along this route with between 3 and 11 other people who may be of a different gender.
  • Hiking for several days without a shower can be tough – be prepared for some dust and dirt. A mask, wet wipes and face washer may become your best friends!
  • Some passengers on this trip may have been travelling together prior to the start of your trip. See what you're missing out on in the Serengeti & Kilimanjaro adventure – search trip code YGOMC on the Intrepid website for more information.

Jambo! Welcome to Tanzania. Your hike begins in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro in Marangu. The hotel is a short walk from the village’s bustling market and some excellent coffee shops. It is also very close to some beautiful waterfalls and ancient Chagga caves. Please make sure you are at the hotel by early evening, as your trip starts with a full briefing and kit inspection by an experienced Kilimanjaro climber. This will take place before dinner, usually around 6 pm. In the event that one of your fellow travellers is late, the meeting may have to be rescheduled for the following morning.

  • Hotel (1 night)
  • Complimentary Sleeping Bag and walking pole hire ( must be requested at time of booking )
  • Mount Kilimanjaro - Trek Briefing

This trip visits places that are at high altitude, and as a result some people can suffer from altitude sickness, regardless of age or physical health. Please see the ‘Health’ section of the Essential Trip Information for more important details on this.

It’s very important that you attend the welcome meeting as we will be collecting insurance details and next of kin information at this time. If you are going to be late please let your travel agent or hotel reception know. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place. If you can't arrange a flight that will arrive in time, consider arriving a day early so you can attend. We'll be happy to book additional accommodation for you (subject to availability).

After a hearty breakfast, make your way to Marangu Gate, the entrance of the Mt Kilimanjaro National Park (1860 m) and meet your guides and porters. With introductions and assignment of porter loads taken care of, it’s time to embark on your trek. Commonly known as the 'Coca Cola' route, the Marangu Route is the oldest track on Kilimanjaro. Look out for the resident wildlife and enjoy the vast landscape as you walk.

  • Mountain hut (1 night)
  • Fully catered trek including National Park entrance fees, climbing fee, mountain huts & rescue services (5 days)
  • Mount Kilimanjaro - Services of experienced English speaking mountain guides (first-aid qualified) cooks and porters (a minimum of 1 guide to every 2)
  • Mount Kilimanjaro - Return transfers from hotel to park gate
  • Mount Kilimanjaro - Porterage of 1 bag (9kg/20lb max)
  • Mount Kilimanjaro - Emergency oxygen and comprehensive first aid kits

We provide one guide for every two climbers in our groups. Each person will have a personal porter for the bulk of their gear and there are extra porters for camping equipment and food, though they will likely be ahead of the group most days.

Your second day on the mountain involves another long hike over a slightly steeper stretch. The total distance from Mandara to the Horombo huts is 12 kilometres (approximately 5to 7 hours). Today you will see the rainforest give way to open and rolling alpine meadows dotted with giant heather trees. Once out of the forest canopy, the twin snow-tipped peaks of Kibo and Mawenzi lie directly ahead. These are two of the three great cones of Kilimanjaro (the other being Shira). During the day’s walk we will traverse several ravines before reaching the hut, which is set in a rocky valley. There is time to enjoy a wide variety of vegetation and changing landscapes on the way to Horombo Hut (3780 metres). We will spend the next two nights here at the hut.

After breakfast, walk towards Mawenzi Hut, passing the unusual Zebra Rocks on the way. It’s a steep climb up a grassy slope, but well worth it: the views over the area towards Kibo are second-to-none. Afterwards, return to Horombo for lunch. Spend the afternoon relaxing and acclimatising to the altitude, or ask your guides about short walks in the area. Take advantage of the rest day here and drink plenty of water – the next couple of days will be pretty intense!

Today you’ll walk the 10 kilometres or so from Horombo to Kibo Hut (approximately 5–7 hours). As the journey progresses you will notice the landscape gradually becoming more rugged and rocky, and the air noticeably thinner. We will have to soften our pace a little to accommodate these environmental changes. Marvel at giant groundsels and lobelias while you travel across the sparse moorland. Skirt Mawenzi Peak and marvel at the stark lunar landscape of the Saddle, reaching Kibo Hut in afternoon (4740 m), take the opportunity to have an early night in preparation for a very early (or late?) wake-up call.

Your guides will wake you up at 11 pm and hot tea will be served. Prepare for the last leg of the trek – to the summit. The distance from Kibo Hut to Uhuru Peak is six kilometres (approximately 6–8 hours), and the descent to Horombo will be approximately the same amount of time. The trek begins beneath the stars as you zigzag your way up a large scree slope, guided only by torch light, to reach Gilman's Point (5685 m). With some luck, arrive in time for breathtaking views of the sun rising behind Mawenzi Peak. This is the stretch that most people find the hardest, and you should be prepared for a very cold morning. The dramatic spectacle of the sun rising over the ice fields of the crater will make the early start worthwhile. For those who still have the energy, it's a further walk (approximately 2 hours) along the rim of the crater to Uhuru Peak (5896 m), the highest point in Africa. From here there are amazing views of the crater, ice fields and plains below. After photos and time to catch your breath, descend back to Horombo Hut for a well-earned rest.

Continue your descent through alpine meadows and rainforest to the park gate. The distance from Horombo to Marangu Gate is 20 kilometres (approximately 5–6 hours). Here your transport awaits and you will return to the hotel for a relaxing shower – a real treat after the physical exertions of the last few days! Over a celebratory meal we can relive and share our experiences of the past five days on the mountain.

There are no activities or trekking planned for today. A transfer to Kilimanjaro Airport or a shuttle to Nairobi can be arranged locally – please speak to your group leader about this at the welcome meeting.

7 breakfasts, 6 lunches, 7 dinners

Hotel (2 nights), Mountain hut (5 nights)

Dates and availability

Important notes.

1. A single supplement is available if you’d prefer not to share a room on this trip. The single supplement excludes Days 2,3,4,5,6 (Mountain huts) where you will be in shared accommodation and is subject to availability. Please speak to your booking agent for further information. 2. A Self-Assessment Form is required for this trip. Your booking agent will provide you with this form at time of booking to fill out before arrival. 3. The cabins used during your trek are multishare for 4–12 people per cabin. 4. Parts of your trip go above 2800 meters (9200 feet) where it is common for travelers to experience some adverse health effects due to the altitude. 5. Please make sure you arrange your flights in order to arrive at the starting hotel before 4 pm on Day 1 in order to attend the very important pre-climb briefing and information session that is usually held before dinner.

Want an in-depth insight into this trip? Essential Trip Information provides a detailed itinerary, visa info, how to get to your hotel, what's included - pretty much everything you need to know about this adventure and more.

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  • Lemosho Climb
  • Lemosho 8 Day Climb
  • Lemosho via Northern circuit
  • Lemosho with Crater
  • Machame Climb
  • Machame 7 Day Climb
  • Machame with Crater
  • Marangu Climb
  • Rongai Climb
  • Umbwe Climb
  • Lemosho 7 Day Climb
  • Machame 6 Day Climb
  • Marangu 6 Day Climb
  • Lemosho Route
  • Machame Route

Marangu Route

  • Rongai Route
  • Shira Route
  • Umbwe Route
  • Northern Circuit
  • Summit Circuit
  • What to expect
  • Fauna and flora
  • Which route to take
  • Gear and Clothing
  • Visa Information
  • Management Team
  • Our Porters
  • Track a climber
  • Terms & Conditions

Marangu route

Distance covered: 69km

Days to complete:  minimum of five days, but Kilimanjaro-Experience only does the six-day trek

Marangu route is the oldest route and often considered the easiest. It is nicknamed the “Coca Cola”route, as it is popular and attracts a larger number of climbers than other routes. It approaches Kili from the southeast and passes through beautiful rainforest and moorlands. The ascent on this route is constant and moderate, and the trekking is relatively relaxed compared to sections of other routes. This is a good bet for those concerned about their fitness. Marangu has good paths and gradual tracks. However, the constant ascension makes for a poorer acclimatisation profile.

In contrast to the other routes, you overnight in mountain huts protecting you from the elements, as opposed to sleeping in tents. Following the Marangu route, you ascend and descend on the same route and you will meet other groups travelling in the opposite direction.

Scheduled climbs on this route

The Marangu route is perhaps the easiest and most comfortable way to reach the summit of Kilimanjaro. 

Private climbs on this route

Take the famous so-called Coca Cola route to the summit of Kilimanjaro.

Kilimanjaro Experience

kilimanjaro trek marangu route

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Mt Kilimanjaro Trek - Marangu Route

7 days, moshi to moshi.

Traveller confidently hiking up the rocky trails of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania

  • Full itinerary
  • Tour details

At 5,895m (19,340 ft), Mt Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest peak and this adventure along the Marangu Route will get you to the top safely, quickly, and with your budget in mind. Overnight in mountain huts and awake ready to conquer the slopes. Affectionately known as the Coca-Cola Route due to its popularity, Marangu covers forests, moorlands, and the Saddle (a high-altitude desert), on its way to Kibo Hut. This is the quickest route to the summit — with a catch: The trail is well-maintained but because of the quick ascent, the success rate is not as high as other routes. Local guides, cooks, and porters will provide support during your trek and at mountain huts along the way.

Moshi to Moshi

Special offers, is this tour for me, travel style: active.

Hiking, trekking, biking, rafting, and kayaking adventures all over the world, made for outdoor types.

Service Level: Basic

Simple and clean hotels and hostels; affordable public and private transport; lots of optional activities.

Physical Rating: 5 - Challenging

Serious high-altitude hikes, cycling, or other instances of heavy exercise. Come prepared to sweat a bit.

Trip Type: Small Group

Small group experience; Max 12, avg 10.

Age requirement: 12+

All travellers under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Check Your Visa Requirements

Before booking, use our handy entry requirements tool so you know which documents you need to enter and travel through the countries on your trip.

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In a number of impactful ways, your adventure directly benefits the local people and places we visit.

Help us spread love around the world with Trees for Days. Together with Planeterra, we'll plant one tree in your name for every travel day.

Trees planted for this trip: 7

Ripple Score

Create ripples that change lives. The higher the Ripple Score percentage, the more money stays in the local communities you visit.

Ripple Score for this trip: 100

More from Mt Kilimanjaro Trek - Marangu Route

Map of the route for Mt Kilimanjaro Trek - Marangu Route

Places visited


Ready to tackle Kili? Get familiar before you go.

Day 1 Moshi

Arrive at any time.

Exclusive Inclusions:

Day 2 moshi/mandara huts.

Hike through the forested, lower slopes to Mandara escarpment.

Meals included:

Day 3 mandara huts/horombo huts.

Hike through the heather and moorland zone to Horombo Hut.

Day 4 Horombo Huts/Kibo Huts

Proceed onto the Kilimanjaro Saddle, through a desertlike alpine zone, to Kibo Hut.

Day 5 Kibo Huts/Horombo Huts

Night hike to the summit via Stella Point. Appreciate the beautiful sunrise from the roof of Africa, then descend back to Horombo Hut.

Day 6 Horombo Huts/Moshi

Descend the mountain, passing through villages and plantations on the slopes en route to Moshi. Meet the mamas of the Moshi Women’s Cooperative, a G supported project, for a climbing ceremony.

Day 7 Moshi

Depart at any time.

What's Included

  • Your G for Good Moment: Moshi Women's Cooperative Visit, Moshi
  • Your Welcome Moment: Welcome Moment - Meet Your CEO and Group
  • 5-day guided group trek up Mt Kilimanjaro's Marangu Route with local guides, cooks, and porters
  • All permits and fees
  • All transport between destinations and to/from included activities


Simple hotels (2 nts), mountain huts (4 nts).

6 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 4 dinners Allow USD70-95 for meals not included.


Private minibus, trekking.

Staff & experts

Certified mountain guide throughout, local representative, cook, porters.

Available extras  (Add these to your tour when you book)

Moshi mamas massage - from $40.00.

Want to revive sore muscles with a relaxing massage? Have the Moshi Mamas come to your hotel and indulge in a 30 min massage after completing your hike to the roof of Africa! The Moshi Women’s Cooperative is a project supported by G Adventures, which provides business education to local women.

Make it a private tour

Book this tour as a private departure, with your own CEO and all the benefits of a G Adventures group tour.

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The #1 Guide to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

  • Prepare For Your Trek
  • The paths up Kilimanjaro
  • Being on Kilimanjaro
  • Beyond Kili: Travelling around Tanzania
  • Background facts about Kilimanjaro

The Marangu Route

Marangu Route statistics:

Durations: 4-5 days ascent only; total including descent: 5-7 days;

Distance: 36.75km/22.75 miles ascent and the same for the descent; total walking 73.5km/45.5 miles)


The Marangu Route is the oldest and, once upon a time, was the most popular trail. It is also the one that comes closest (though not very) to the trail Hans Meyer took in making the first successful assault on the summit.

We have shown the route on the map above in green.

It is the only trail where camping is not necessary, indeed not allowed. Instead, trekkers sleep in dormitory huts along the way. From the Kibo Huts, trekkers climb up to the summit via Gillman’s Point.

In terms of duration, the trail is one of the shorter trails, taking just five days. Many people, however, opt to take an extra day to acclimatize at Horombo Huts, using that day to visit the Mawenzi Huts Campsite at 4538m. From a safety point of view this is entirely sensible. Aesthetically such a plan cannot be argued with either, for the views from Mawenzi across the Saddle to Kibo truly take the breath away.

Our Marangu Pinterest Board!


This trail is popularly called the ‘Tourist Route’ or ‘Coca Cola trail’. Why? Well, it actually started because the rangers on this route used to sell soft drinks at the huts on the way up.

The name ‘Coca Cola Route’ soon stuck. But then some agencies started to use this nickname against the Marangu Route. These agencies were mainly based in Moshi, and wanted to promote the nearby Machame Route ahead of the more distant Marangu, where some of their rivals were based.

So they started to call Machame the Whiskey Route. By doing so, they were promoting Machame as a hard, ‘macho’ route. But it also had the added advantage of implying Marangu as a ‘soft’ trail; one for children, perhaps, rather than fully grown adults.

Both reputations are, of course, entirely rubbish .

Want proof? Well, let’s look at the figures. On the Machame Route, for example, you start at 1828m and aim for the summit at 5895m. While on Marangu, you start just a little higher at 1860m and also aim for the same, 5895m summit. Both are just walking routes, too, with no actual climbing involved.

Simple logic, therefore, should tell you that Marangu can’t be that much easier.

If you require more evidence, then consider that a greater proportion of people fail on this route than on any other .

So please don’t be misled by its nickname as the Coca Cola Route that this trail is easier than any other. It’s certainly not.


Those agencies that still like to suggest that the Marangu Route is for softies point to the fact that it is the only route where you sleep in huts, rather than under canvas.

There are three huts along the trail. The first is Mandara Huts, with room for 70 trekkers. There are more than double that number at Horombo Huts, and just 58 beds at Kibo Huts. (The extra beds at Horombo, by the way, are necessary because this hut is also used by those descending from Kibo.)

The fact that you do sleep in huts makes little difference to what you need to pack for the trek, for sleeping bags are still required. The huts have pillows and mattresses but that’s all. But you can dispense with a ground mat for this route.

The fact that there’s no tent to carry, however, means you can probably get away with just two-three porters per person, or fewer if you carry your own bag, (This, however, is something of a false economy, as we believe it increases your chances of suffering from AMS. Please follow this link for our thoughts on carrying your own luggage on Kilimanjaro .)

Regarding the sleeping situation, it does help if you can get to the huts early each day to grab the better beds. This doesn’t mean you should deliberately hurry to the huts. This will just reduce your enjoyment of the trek and increase the possibility of AMS. But do try to start early each morning. That way you can avoid the crowds, beat them to the better beds, and possibly improve your chances of seeing some of Kili’s wildlife too.


The biggest drawback with Marangu is the fact that it is one of the shorter routes on the mountain. This means it often does not give trekkers enough time to acclimatiseIt. This in turn means it has one of the worst ‘success rates’ for getting people to the summit.

Most agencies will counter this problem by taking a ‘rest day’ at Horombo Huts on day 3. In other words, instead of ploughing on to Kibo Huts, trekkers spend two nights at Horombo. Trekkers will then spend that third day marching up the slopes of Mawenzi. This undoubtedly aids acclimatisation, and also gives trekkers the chance to savour some lovely views of snowy Kibo. On the way up you also pass the curiously striped Zebra Rocks .

In summary, therefore: though Marangu can be completed in five days, most sensible people will take six. 

Seeing the same things twice

Another potential drawback of the Marangu Route is that it is the only one where you ascend and descend via the same path. As such, you essentially see the same scenery twice.

However, there are a couple of arguments to counter this perception.

Firstly, between Horombo and Kibo Huts there are two paths and it shouldn’t take too much to persuade your guide to use one trail on the ascent and a different one on the way down.

Secondly, we think that the walk back down the Marangu Route is one of the most pleasurable parts of the entire trek, with splendid views over the shoulder. It also offers you the chance to greet the crowds of sweating, red-faced unfortunates heading the other way. For this reason, I usually wear a very smug expression on this descent. One that gets across, without words, the fact that any physical pain is largely behind me, and that my immediate future is filled with warm showers and cold beers…


I can’t deny it: for most people, for most of the year, there are better routes on Kilimanjaro.

But you shouldn’t dismiss it altogether.

For one thing, the forest on this south-eastern side of the mountain is beautifully lush. According to the theory of the weather on Kilimanjaro , this is not surprising. During the main rainy season the monsoon rains smash into the mountain on this south-eastern corner. As a result, waterfalls cascade down the slopes and streams criss-cross the path year-round.

Other advantages? Well there is plenty of wildlife that take advantages of the forest’s fecundity. Colobus and blue monkeys crash through the canopy, while tree hyraxes bounce and scamper on the hut roofs at night. Towards the top of the forest, Maundi Crater , which you pass on the second morning, is a flower-filled delight.

While the wind-blown high-altitude desert of the Saddle provides wonderful views of the snowy Kibo summit.

As the only trail where you sleep in huts rather than under canvas, the Marangu Route also comes into its own in the rainy season . Much better to sleep in a solid-walled hut, methinks, than a damp, sodden tent night after night.

So don’t dismiss the Marangu Route out-of-hand. The forest is glorious, the scenery interesting, and the views terrific.

Furthermore, the trail gets such bad press these days that it won’t be long before nobody will be on it at all. And a quiet trail is always a thing of absolute joy on the mountain…


As we mention above, many people fail to reach the summit on this route because they have failed to acclimatize properly.

Just because you can do the Marangu Route in five days doesn’t mean you should !

For this reason, we have included a ‘rest’ day in our itinerary below. We spend two nights at Horombo Huts in order to increase our chances of acclimatizing properly.


Distance: 8.3km (8.75km if taking the Nature Trail Loop): Altitude Gained: 818m

Marangu to Mandara Huts

Our trek begins at  Marangu Gate (1905m), the home of the park authorities and the busiest gate on the mountain.

It’s a good idea to get to the gates as soon as possible. For one thing, it means we don’t waste time queuing up to register but can be processed immediately – which means we can get trekking sooner!

This first day takes us deep into the jungle bearding Kilimanjaro’s lower slopes. Being one of the first on the trail means we have the path ‘to ourselves’. This will increase our chance of spotting wildlife on this first day, before they are frightened off by the noise of other groups. So keep an eye out for the beautiful colobus monkeys, as well as blue monkeys. We’ll also see some of the flowers for which Kilimanjaro is famed, and in which the Marangu Route excels. Flowers such as the vivid red Gladiolus Wastonides and the mountain’s most famous flower, the delicate Impatiens kilimanjarii .

Having taken lunch in a small clearing known as Kisamboni , we continue up the slopes past small waterfalls alongside a babbling stream, to the  Mandara Huts , our accommodation for the first night.

Horombo Huts

Another advantage of setting off early on this first day is that we can choose the best spots in the dormitory before the other trekkers arrive. So we can be sitting enjoying the popcorn served by our crew whilst other trekkers are still struggling up the slopes.

Those with the energy can take a brief stroll with our guide to the  Maundi Crater . This is home to some of the lesser-known flowers on Kilimanjaro, and a place that offers stunning views east towards Mombasa and the Indian Ocean. Alternatively, we can simply sit, relax and reflect on the first day while our crew, as they will on every day of the trek, cook our evening meal.


Distance: 12.5km Altitude Gained: 998m

Mandara Huts to Horombo Huts

Today is an important one in your Kilimanjaro trek. It’s a day when we climb above the treeline and leave the forest behind. It’s also the day when we catch our first sight of both Mawenzi, Kilimanjaro’s second summit, and its snow-covered bigger brother, Kibo – our ultimate destination!

Today is also the day that we start to really pace ourselves, taking each step slowly, to help us acclimatize to the increasingly rarified air. We are now in the heath and moorland zone, Kilimanjaro’s second vegetation zone. We’ll see unusual plants as the giant groundsel and Lobelia deckenii decorating the path.

Our destination on this second day is the Horombo Huts (3721m), a chilly but welcoming set of A-Frame huts offering glimpses of Kibo to the west. Popcorn and a hot drink will be served to us upon arrival, followed by dinner in the evening.


Distance: 9.2km (4.6km up to the viewpoint, and 4.6km back down again) Altitude Gained: 0m (632m  ascent, followed by a 632m descent).

Horombo Huts to Kibo Huts

Just because we call this a rest day doesn’t mean we actually rest! Instead, today’s walk takes us up the southern slopes of Mawenzi , to get some of the best views of Kibo to be had anywhere, as well as a gorgeous panorama overlooking the wild and inhospitable desert of the Saddle.

We also visit places such as the strange  Zebra Rocks . This rocky ridge has been coloured over the centuries by water and now resemble a zebra’s flanks.

This day is not just about sightseeing, however, for the rest day serves a more important purpose than that: helping our bodies to acclimatize fully, to make the rest of the trek easier – and hopefully help us to reach the summit too!


Distance: 9.5km (10.3km on the Mawenzi Alternative) Altitude Gained: 993m

The scenery once again changes today as we leave just about all vegetation behind to enter the windswept wilderness of the Saddle . This is the high-altitude desert separating Kilimanjaro’s twin peaks of Kibo and Mawenzi.

That doesn’t mean that the day is not without interest, however. The beauty of the desert is undeniable. The light is usually wonderfully clear, too, and we’ll be wanting to get out our cameras every few seconds. There are also enough features on the way, including some weird and wonderful parasitic craters , to take our mind off the exhaustion we may now be feeling.

Our goal on this third day is the Kibo Huts , set at the foot of the summit of the same name. Attractively built in stone, and with the occasional mountain buzzard soaring overhead for company, we’ll spend the rest of the day sleeping and eating in preparation for the night ahead…


Distance: 6.25km to Uhuru Peak; plus 15.75km back to Horombo Huts (16.55km for Mawenzi Alternative) Altitude Gained/Lost: 1181m to Uhuru Peak, then 2174m descent from Uhuru to Horombo Huts

Kibo Huts to Uhuru Peak

Rising at around midnight, we begin our slow march up to  Gilman’s Point (5719m) on the edge of the Kibo crater. On the way you’ll pass such features as Hans Meyer Cave (5259m). It’s a steep, slow, cold march and a test of our endurance – this is where we’ll earn our Kilimanjaro certificate.

Nevertheless, providing we have avoided altitude sickness and have acclimatized properly, there is no reason why we shouldn’t make it up to Gillman’s. This we reach, all being well, at around 5am. That said, it can be much later depending on both our condition and the conditions on the mountain.

Our work is not yet over, however, for it’s around another hour and a half to Uhuru Peak. The gradient on this last section, especially by the standards of this night, is relatively flat. But at this altitude, every step can be exhausting.

If we can enjoy it, then we might find it quite a wonderful walk. There are glaciers and snowfields on one side, while on the other are extensive views over the Kibo Crater.

At the end of the trail lies our ultimate destination, Uhuru Peak , the highest point in Africa. Here, if we’re on time, we can watch the sun rise over the African continent. We can also take photos, and take a breather too!

Uhuru Peak to Horombo Huts

Getting back down again

After a rest at the top, we continue back down to Kibo Huts. It’s a walk that is considerably quicker than it was on the way up!

At Kibo we take breakfast and relax for an hour or so. We then continue our march down the mountain, on the same path that we took to ascend. Crossing the Saddle, heath and moorland zones we stop, finally, at the Horombo Huts once more.

We should arrive there at about 4pm. We have been walking for around 16 hours, less breaks! We’ll probably be utterly exhausted but, if we made it to the top, I know we’ll think it was worth it.


Distance: 20km (20.75km on the Nature Trail) Altitude Gained/Lost: 1816m

Horombo Huts to Marangu Gate

And so we come to the last day of our trek. Today we march back through the forest to Marangu Gate, smiling smugly at all those coming up the slope the other way.

Stopping at the Mandara Huts for lunch, we continue heading down until we once more reach  Marangu Gate . Here those who conquered the mountain – or at least made it to Gillman’s Point – collect their certificates.

A jeep or van will be waiting to take everyone back to our hotel.


For a file of waypoints for all our routes, please click on the following link   GPS Waypoints . This will take you to the relevant page on the website of Trailblazer Publications, who publish the Kilimanjaro guide. The file is in .gpx format, so you can download it straight onto your GPS.

<< Kilimanjaro routes  |  The Machame Route >>

About Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

Climb Mount Kilimanjaro is the work of Henry Stedman, author of the bestselling guide book Kilimanjaro – The Trekking Guide to Africa’s Highest Mountain , which is now in its sixth edition. I’ve been trekking up Kilimanjaro for more than 20 years and have hiked to the summit more than 30 times now, on every possible route (and in every sort of weather).

I still adore hiking on Kilimanjaro and hope, by providing as much information as I can on this site and in the book, that you will be persuaded to climb Kilimanjaro too – and love it as much as I do.

I am happy to advise you in any way I can – and  I promise you I won’t try to sell you a trek with my own company, Kilimanjaro Experts! So please do get in touch if you have any questions about any aspect of climbing the mountain. The address is: 

[email protected]

We are also on facebook.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Copyright 2010-2024 Climb Mount Kilimanjaro | All Rights Reserved | [email protected]

05-Days-Mt Kilimanjaro Trek-Marangu-Route

Overview of the 5 day marangu route.

5 Day Marangu Route is one of the popular routes for trekking Mount Kilimanjaro , the highest peak in Africa. This route offers a relatively easier and more straightforward ascent compared to other routes, making it suitable for those with less hiking experience.

During the 5 day trek, you will pass through diverse landscapes, including lush rainforests, moorlands, and rocky terrain. The route provides stunning views of the surrounding scenery, including the unique flora and fauna of the mountain.

Accommodation along the Marangu Route is in comfortable huts, providing a more sheltered and cozy experience compared to camping. Experienced guides will lead you throughout the trek, ensuring your safety and providing information about the mountain’s geology, history, and wildlife.

While the Marangu Route is less physically demanding than other routes, it is still important to be well-prepared and physically fit. Proper acclimatization, hydration, and following the guidance of your guides are essential for a successful and enjoyable trek.

Embark on this 5 Day Marangu Route adventure and create lifelong memories as you conquer the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro.

Trekking Mount Kilimanjaro: A Journey on the Marangu Route

Marangu or “Coca-Cola” route is the most popular route on Kilimanjaro today. It is the only route where overnight stays are in huts. This makes Marangu a good option for hiking during the rainy season. The route takes its start at the south-east of Mt Kilimanjaro.

  • Day 1 -Moshi
  • Day 2 - Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut
  • Day 3 - Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut
  • Day 4- Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut
  • Day 5 - Uhuru Peak to Horombo Hut
  • Day 6 - Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate

Tour Features

Budget tour this budget tour includes camping and hotels. private tour this tour will be organized exclusively for you and won't be shared with others. can start any day if availability permits, this tour can start on any day. can be customized you can request changes to this tour. for both solo and group travelers both solo travelers and groups can book this tour. created by potrace 1.15, written by peter selinger 2001-2017 minimum age of 7 years the minimum age for this tour is 3 years. activities & transportation.

  • A transfer from and back to the airport is included
  • Getting around: hiking/walking

Arrival (See Getting There for more details) ➔ You'll be collected from the airport. ➔ Accommodation before the tour starts can be arranged for an extra cost. Day 1 - Arrival in Moshi Arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO), where you will meet with our Shiri Adventures representative, and transfer to the hotel under the rate. The hotel will provide all the essentials for a comfortable stay: cozy rooms, hot water, polite staff, a swimming pool, and Internet access. In the evening there will be a briefing with your Kilimanjaro guides, who will also make sure you are ready to begin the climb.. ➔ Main Destination: Moshi (City) ➔ Accommodation: Panama Garden Resort ➔ Meals & Drinks: Meals at your own expense.  Drinks not included. Day 2 - Trekking From Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut Your guide/s and a mountain support crew will arrive at the hotel in the morning in order to meet you and hold a quick briefing, after which you will travel by vehicle to Kilimanjaro National Park's eastern entrance: Marangu Gate (1,860 m). After the quick formality of acquiring climbing permits and registering with the search and rescue service, the group will start trekking up to Mandara Hut (2,700 m). Day 3 - Trekking From Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut Early in the morning after breakfast, the group will depart Mandara Hut to start a moderate trek towards the second high altitude camp: Horombo Hut (3,720 m). When you reach the camp on this day, you will be treated to views of two volcanos at once: Kibo and Mawenzi. Several hours after lunch you will have to complete an acclimatization hike in the direction of Kibo Hut with a 200-meter gain in altitude, and then hike back down to Horombo Hut where dinner will be prepared for you. Day 4 - Trekking From Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut On this day, right after breakfast the group will be trekking to the Kibo Hut (4,700 m). The actual trekking is not very difficult, just remember to stick with an appropriate pace to keep up your strength for the trekking to Kilimanjaro's summit. When you reach the camp you will be served lunch, after which we recommend you sleep as much as you can, avoid any strenuous activity, and drink lots of water. Day 5 - Trekking From Uhuru Peak and Descent to Horombo Hut Night departure from Kibo Hut (4,700 m) and the start of your trek to Kilimanjaro's summit: Uhuru peak (5,895 m). The trekking will be moderate from a physical standpoint, but the altitude presents a much more serious problem. For the entire length of the trekking each pair of climbers will be accompanied by their own guide, who will be monitoring your stamina and mental resolve. After your successful ascent to Uhuru Peak, you can descend to the nearest glacier if desired. Then you will return to Kibo Camp and after a two-hour rest continue your descent to Horombo Hut (3,720 m). Day 6 - Descent from Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate You will be offered a warm breakfast in the morning, after which we will head for the Kilimanjaro National Park's exit: Marangu Gate (1,860 m). After your descent the whole group will gather to congratulate you, and then you will have the chance to share your opinions on the trip in the guestbook. Lastly, we will present you with your commemorative certificates (in our office) and provide you a transfer back to the hotel. ELEVATION: 3,720 m to 1,860 m Day 7 - Departure Departure Rest in the hotel and transfer to the airport or onwards travel. Our classic adventures are what the majority of climbers are looking for. The combination of great comfort and high safety standards makes our classic Kilimanjaro hikes enjoyable and memorable. This is the most popular option among our clients. End of tour (See Getting There for more details) ➔ Additional accommodation can be arranged for an extra cost. ➔ You'll be dropped off at the airport. Important to Know

  • This tour  is not available to solo travelers .
  • Rates are  per person  and  exclude international flights  from/to your home country.
  • This tour accepts children who are  3 years and older .

Rates Per Person

  • n/a = not available. This tour is unavailable for solo travelers.
  • 7+ people please get a Quote

Park fees For Non Residents All game drives & activities (Unless labeled as optional) All accommodations (Unless listed as upgrade) A professional driver/guide English/German/Spanish speaking All transportation (Unless labeled as optional) All Meals (As specified in the day-by-day section) All Drinks (As specified in the day-by-day section) All Taxes/VAT (Unless labeled as optional) Excluded

International flights (from/to home) personal items & arrangements (souvenirs, travel insurance, visa fees, etc.) additional accommodations (before and at the end of the tour) tips (tipping guideline us$15.00 pp per day) some meals (as specified in the day-by-day section) getting there.

  • This tour starts and ends in Arusha
  • Book your own international flights
  • Fly to/from Kilimanjaro Airport (JRO - Check price) near Arusha. Or fly to/from Arusha Airport (ARK - Check price) via Dar es Salaam or Nairobi (Kenya)
  • Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour can be arranged for an extra cost

From $1600pp

Customer reviews.

Gina & Chris

Request a Quote

Tanzania map.

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United Republic of Tanzania, Kilimanjaro Region | NSSF Building | Aga Khan Rd – 4th Floor

  • +255 743 689184
  • +255 787416661

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Routes » Marangu Route

Marangu Route

Marangu Route

Maragu Route known by its common nickname “coca-cola” is the oldest and most established routes on Mt Kilimanjaro . This is the only trail with permanent sleeping huts that are informed of the dormitory where hikers share. It’s the most popular route that takes a shorter timed itinerary which is mostly utilized by the uninformed trekkers in Africa. Maragu Route is considered to be one of the cheap options and some are misled that it’s an easy route which is practically incorrect. 

This reputation is based on tour operators who have no or limited challenges to organize a full package that covers sleeping bags and tents during the trip. The route requires few potters since the guests move with only their personal belongings and sleep in huts during their trek of the mountain. The Maragu Route got this nickname as the coca-cola product was the only product that was supplied I the huts at the route. 

Maragu Route has the worst record of success for the hikers since it takes a short time and does not allow hikers to have enough time for acclimatization. This route is mostly enjoyed by experienced trekkers that can walk at a good speed to cover great distance at a short period of time with an estimate of 2800 meters in a period of 3 days. Despite the fact that the route is the shortest route does not mean the distance to the peak is short, the route is 72 kilometers to the summit which is the same to most of the routes but because of the location of the huts for accommodation this forces you to cover much at a short period of time.  

With experienced and fit hikers they can take 3.5 days to ascend and 1.5 days to descend back to the main gate. It’s out of this that it has made it impossible for many with an estimate of 60% failing to reach the summit while only around 40% make it to the peak. Maragu Route starts from the Maragu Gate that enters to the tropical rainforest where light clothing is sufficient. Hikers also need to be with trekking poles especially during the rainy season when the soils are very muddy.

The huts are located in some specific points which give trekkers a chance to have a scenic view of the environment like Mandara Huts is near Maundi Crater for the view, the hut has 70 beds and 148 beds at Horombo hut. The huts have running water and bathrooms while at Kibo hut there are 58 beds. Horombo hut is more scenic with a clear view of the sunrise or sunset while at Mawenzi and Kibo is saddle area is moonscape. This is the point where most hikers stop and return back due to altitude sickness. Despite the fact that Maragu Route drawbacks, it remains the cheap option for anyone wishing to hike Mt Kilimanjaro.

Marangu Route/Itinerary 5 Days Climbing + 2Nights at the Hotel.  This is one of the most amazing safaris that you will encounter on the routes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro as you explore Tanzania’s famous mountain and the tallest mountain in Africa.

Day 1: Moshi (890 m/2,920 ft) when clients arrive at the Kilimanjaro International Airport or Dar es Salaam International Airport, you will be met at the airport by our representatives and transferred to the hotel or clients preferred residential home for Overnight. You can start your trek any day, any month of the year!

Day 2: Moshi (890 m/2,920 ft) to Marangu Gate (1,830 m/6,000 ft) approx 45 km, and from Marangu gate to Mandara Huts (2,740 m/9,000 ft) 12 km, 4-5 hours Montane Forest:

After breakfast and a briefing from your guide, leave at the Hotel or Residential at 8:00 AM, drive for 50 minutes, from Moshi to the Marangu Gate or 2 Hrs and 30 mins, drive from Arusha to Marangu Gate on the eastern side of Kilimanjaro National park . After arrive at the gate register of the national park and begin hiking at around 09:30 am. In the rainforest, look for towering Eucalyptus trees, birdlife, and Colubus monkeys. At these lower elevations, it can be wet and muddy, so gaiters and trekking poles will help. Shorts and t-shirts should be sufficient but keep your rain gear and warmer clothing handy. Stop halfway for lunch and reach the Mandara Huts at 2 or 3 PM. Unpack, rest, and have some tea or coffee. A 15-minute side trip to Maundy Crater is a good way to see the surroundings including Northern Tanzania and Kenya. Dinner is served during the early evening at around 07:00 PM. Bathrooms with running water are available at Huts, you will have dinner and overnight at Mandara Huts.

Day 3: Mandara Huts (2,740 m/9,000 ft) to Horombo Huts (3,690 m/12,100 ft) 11 km, 6-8 hours – Heath land.

On this day of the Marangu route you will wake up at around 06:30 am, prepared for breakfast which you will take at around 07:00 am and after breakfast, pack for another day, next trek. Porters will break camp by 8:00 AM, and all group continue hiking to the next Camp. For an hour through rainforest glades, then follow an ascending path through heathland where you can look for giant lobelias and groundsels. Continue up into open moorlands where small shrubs are the main vegetation. Stop halfway for lunch, where you can enjoy amazing views of Mawenzi. Arrive at the Horombo Huts by 3 PM, where you can see Kibo’s summit. Rest, unpack, and prepare for dinner. Bathrooms with running water are available. You will have dinner and overnight at Horombo Hut.  You may start to feel the effects of altitude here and to aid your acclimatization, you can choose to spend an extra day resting at Horombo or climbing to a base camp below Kibo’s sub peak Mawenzi for acclimatization.

Day 4: Horombo Huts (3,690 m/12,100 ft) to Kibo Huts (4,695 m/15,400 ft) 10 km, 6-8 hours Alpine Desert

You will wake up at around 06:30 am and get prepared for breakfast and at around 07:00 am you will have breakfast as usual, but if you wake early you can get some great photos of the sunrise. The first part of the day’s hike climbs through the dwindling heathland that blends into a moonscape as you enter the sweeping saddle connecting Mawenzi and Kibo. When you stop for lunch, and later when you cross this surprisingly large saddle, you can examine the summit climb up Kibo that you will be starting in just a few hours. Be careful to notice any signs of altitude sickness . There is no running water at the Kibo Huts. On this day you will have very few hours of sleep, and your night will be very short. You will have a long walk from Horombo to Kibo Hut and after evening meals at around 06:30 pm, you will have a short rest and sleep for 3hrs from 07:30 pm, as you will need to wake up at 10:30 pm and start getting your summit gears ready. The start to climb to the summit will be at around 11:30 pm.  The goal is to climb before dawn so that you can reach Uhuru Peak shortly after sunrise. Switchback up steep scree or possibly snow and reach Gilman’s Point on the crater rim at 5,861 m/18,640 ft between 05:00 am to o6:00 am.

Day 5 – Summit Day! The hike from Kibo Huts (4,695 m/ 15,400 ft) to Uhuru Peak (5,895 m/19,340 ft) to Horombo Huts (3,690 m/12,100 ft) 4 km up, 14 km down 10-15 hours Alpine Desert.

On this long-awaited day of the Marangu Route to of the hike, you will be already walking more than halfway to the summit. Here, views of the fabled crater and its icecaps greet you. Sun Rise can be seen at around 05:30 am. Another 1 hr to 2 hours of hiking along the crater rim near the celebrated snows takes you to Kilimanjaro’s true summit, Uhuru Peak, by 07:00 am.  You are now at Africa’s highest point! And you would have to travel more than 3,000 miles toward the Himalayas to find a higher peak! Be sure to have your picture taken at the summit to show your friends. After your summit stay, descend back to the Kibo Huts, have lunch, rest, collect your things, and re-cross the saddle to the Horombo Huts. They descend from Summit to Kibo hut can take approximately 1 to 2 hrs and descend from Kibo hut to Horombo can take 3 to 4 hrs and when you arrive at Horombo Hut you will get your last and happy supper on the mountain. After Dinner and get some well-deserved sleep, Overnight at Horombo Hut.

You do the beginning of this climb in the dark with headlamps or flashlights. It will be very cold until you start descending, so you will need all of your warm layers. This is, by far, the most difficult part of the trek. Slowly slowly, or, “pole pole,” and an optimistic attitude will get you there!

Day 6: Horombo Huts (3,690 m/12,100 ft) to Marangu Gate (1,830 m/6,000 ft) to Moshi (890 m/2,920 ft) 18 km, 5-7 hours:

As this will be your last day on the mountain, you will need to wake up as usual at around 06:30 am, pack, and then you will get your breakfast at 07:00 am and start to descend at around 07:45 am from Horombo, through the moorland to the Mandara Huts. Have lunch there then continue your triumphant recessional down through the lush forest to the park gate, which you should reach around 02:00 pm or 03:00 PM. Remember to tip your guides, cooks, and porters , since you will be leaving them here at the Gate, as most of them are living at the home and their villages are just nearby so they will not need to back to Moshi/Arusha Town with the group/climbers and then return back to their homes at the villages where they stay with their families. A vehicle will take you back to the hotel or similar lodging in Moshi or Arusha, where it is definitely time for celebration!

Day 7: Moshi 

On day 7 of this amazing Marangu Route, you will d epart for the airport or other destinations in Tanzania or Kenya or other parts of East Africa and South Africa countries. A trip to the beaches at Zanzibar is a good way to recuperate. We can arrange many reasonably priced trips and safaris around Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar.

Prices Includes:

  • Pickup and Transfers from Airport to Hotel and Return 
  • Accommodation at the Hotel on Half Board for two nights
  • Government taxes
  • Kilimanjaro climbing, entry fees, 
  • Porters to carry luggage, 
  • Guides and assistants Guides, 
  • Transport from base hotel to a starting point of starting the climbing and return pick up. Transfer, are all-inclusive in the climbing tour costs.
  • Salaries for Porters, Guides, Office operations costs
  • All meals on the mountain Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Prices Excludes:

  • Staff Tips-Driver/guides, Personal Gears for climbing the mountain like warm jackets, walking sticks and warm gloves
  • Hotel staff, international flights from abroad to Tanzania and return.
  • Any personal of nature expenses, outings, sodas, laundry and ironing, pedicure, manicure, massage service.

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Kilinge Adventures

Kilimanjaro Climb 4 Days Marangu Route -Kilimanjaro Trekking

  • Trip Overview
  • Trip Itinerary
  • Similar Tours

About Kilimanjaro 4 Days Marangu route

This popular route, also known as the "Coca-Cola" route, offers a gradual ascent, making it suitable for climbers of various skill levels. Traverse through stunning landscapes, including dense forests, heathlands, and rocky trails, as you ascend towards the summit. Enjoy breathtaking views of glaciers and neighboring peaks as you approach Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa. With comfortable accommodations in huts along the route and experienced guides, this tour provides a balanced blend of challenge and comfort.

Please note that the Marangu route is known for its relatively gentle slope, but it is still a demanding trek at high altitude. It is crucial to acclimatize properly, follow the guidance of your guide, and ensure you have the necessary physical fitness and gear for a successful and safe expedition.

Scroll down to get more detail about this tour

What's included

  • Unlimited bottled water
  • Visa arrangements

Best Kilimanjaro Short 4 Days Marangu Route 2023

————————–4 Days Marangu Route——————

Experience the wonders of Mount Kilimanjaro on a memorable 4-day trek along the renowned Marangu Route. Begin your adventure through verdant rainforests, filled with fascinating flora and the occasional glimpse of wildlife. As you ascend, the landscape transitions into alpine meadows, offering panoramic views of the surrounding peaks.

The Marangu Route provides a gradual climb, allowing you to acclimatize effectively. Reach for the skies as you conquer the final leg to Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa. This remarkable journey promises an extraordinary blend of natural beauty, cultural immersion, and personal achievement.

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Book Kilimanjaro 4 Days Marangu Route  With  KILINGE ADVENTURES

Day 1: marangu gate to mandara hut.

Start early in the morning at Marangu Gate (1,860 meters/6,100 feet)

Complete the registration process and meet your guide and porters

Begin the trek through the rainforest

Reach Mandara Hut (2,700 meters/8,858 feet)

Overnight stay at Mandara Hut

Day 2: Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut

Depart from Mandara Hut after breakfast

Continue the ascent through the heath and moorland vegetation zones

Pass by Maundi Crater and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding landscapes

Arrive at Horombo Hut (3,720 meters/12,205 feet)

Overnight stay at Horombo Hut

Day 3: Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut

After breakfast, resume the trek towards Kibo Hut

Traverse the alpine desert terrain, characterized by rocky paths and sparse vegetation

Reach Kibo Hut (4,703 meters/15,430 feet)

Rest and prepare for the summit attempt

Have an early dinner and get some sleep

Day 4: Summit Day - Kibo Hut to Uhuru Peak and Return to Marangu Gate

Wake up around midnight and begin the summit attempt

Ascend to Gilman's Point (5,681 meters/18,638 feet) on the crater rim

Continue along the crater rim to Uhuru Peak (5,895 meters/19,341 feet), the highest point in Africa

Enjoy the breathtaking views from the summit and take memorable photos

Start the descent back to Kibo Hut

Rest and have a quick meal at Kibo Hut

Descend further to Horombo Hut

Finally, continue the descent to Marangu Gate

Reach Marangu Gate, sign-out, and receive your summit certificate

Congratulations on completing the trek!

The Best 5 Days Lemosho Route: Kilimanjaro Climbing

  • Kilimanjaro Climbing hiking challenge
  • kilimanjaro short trek route

kilimanjaro trek marangu route

Kilinge Adventures dreamed of bringing tourists into this beautiful country, having the best Kilimanjaro Trekking experiences with the African wildlife experiences and be able to share the best of what Africa has to offer especially our lovely country Tanzania.

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4 Days Marangu Route -Kilimanjaro Trekking

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Tranquil Kilimanjaro

One Day Kilimanjaro Trek to Mandara Hut- Marangu

  • Includes/Excludes
  • Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Tanzania Mountains

Our one-day Kilimanjaro hiking tour to Mandara Huts which are A-shaped, gives you the chance to trek to the first stage of the legendary Marangu Route , through a rainforest teeming with wildlife and chattering, curious blue monkeys. Be on the lookout for a black and white colobus monkey or two!

Mount Kilimanjaro is Tanzania’s most awe-inspiring landmark, but you don’t have to climb it to appreciate its full splendor and the intriguing landscape that surrounds it.

Start time:   8.00am Duration of excursion: Full day Meals included: Packed lunch. Bottled water. Maximum size of group:  Private group

Please contact us. We enjoy answering all your questions and discussing our favorite topic: MOUNTAINS:

What to wear for this Kilimanjaro day hike:   Closed shoes are recommended because the walk can be over uneven ground. Due to the altitude, warm clothing and/or waterproofs are also advisable.

How much does the Marangu Day tour cost from Moshi?

Prices for the day trip to Mandara Huts and Maundi Crater along the Marangu route will cost from $170 for a group of 5 people to $250 for a single person if the pickup and drop off location is in Moshi Town. You can take this short hike from Moshi, the nearest town to Mount Kilimanjaro’s Marangu Gate. The distance from Moshi Town to Marangu gate is about 39 km and it takes about an hour to reach there by driving.

How much does this day trip to Marangu cost from Arusha

Arusha is a city not far away from Kilimanjaro, and the nearest town to Mount Meru, which is only 2 hours away with a distance of about 87 km apart. To take this short Mount Kilimanjaro hike from Arusha though, you will have to begin your journey earlier at 6:00 am in order to make it just in time for your day trip. The distance from Arusha City to Marangu gate is about 120 km and it would take approximately 3 hours to get from Arusha to Marangu and vice versa.

How long will the hike take?

It will take a total duration of about 5-7 hours to trek from the gate to Mandara Huts and then back to Marangu gate. Remember our goal is to enjoy the mountain as much as we can but also be aware that you have to be at the gate by 6 pm in the evening.

What to wear for this day hike to Marangu

Each hiker requires a small rucksack/backpack to carry water, warm clothes, and full waterproofs – the weather may be unpredictable fast as clouds swoop down from the peak depending on the time of year. Additionally, each hiker needs a pair of sturdy walking boots since the ground in some sections might be soft. For this day excursion to Mount Kilimanjaro, hiking boots are not required. However, we advise wearing closed-toe footwear, such as trainers.

1 Day Hike to Mandara Hut on Mount Kilimanjaro

The 1 day hike to Kilimanjaro’s Mandara Hut, the first accommodation point along the Marangu route begins with an early morning breakfast at your hotel or lodge in Moshi or Arusha but preferably in Moshi since it is the nearest town to Mount Kilimanjaro. We drive for 1 hour to the Marangu Gate at an elevation of  1860 m where all the paperwork and registration are processed before we begin our day hike on the mountain. Marangu Gate is located in the dense forested and wet region of the rainforest. traversing the impressive vegetation, you will have the chance to see the resident black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, and a variety of bird species . Our knowledgeable mountain guide will share their knowledge of Mount Kilimanjaro and its environs while pointing out the different species of plants and animals of the mountain .

  • Morning Departure: Start your day early with a departure from Moshi or Arusha to the Marangu Gate, the starting point for the Marangu Route. The drive takes approximately 1-2 hours, depending on your location.
  • Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut (First leg of the trek): Begin your hike from the Marangu Gate (1,860 meters) and trek through lush rainforest trails towards Mandara Hut (2,700 meters). This section of the route is relatively easy and suitable for children, with gentle slopes and well-maintained paths.
  • Picnic Lunch at Mandara Hut: Arrive at Mandara Hut in time for a picnic lunch surrounded by the sights and sounds of the rainforest. Enjoy a break to rest, refuel, and take in the natural beauty of the area.
  • Exploration and Nature Walk: After lunch, explore the surrounding area with a guided nature walk. Learn about the diverse plant and animal life found in the rainforest ecosystem, including unique flora and playful monkeys.
  • Return to Marangu Gate: After spending a few hours at Mandara Hut, begin your descent back to the Marangu Gate. Take your time on the return journey, allowing children to explore and enjoy the experience at their own pace.
  • Evening Return: Arrive back at the Marangu Gate in the late afternoon or early evening. From there, return to your accommodation in Moshi or Arusha, reflecting on the day’s adventure and the memories made on Kilimanjaro.

Distance from Marangu gate to Mandara Hut

The hike from the Entrance Gate, the Marangu gate (1860 m) to Mandara Hut (2700 m) takes a duration of 3-4 hours trekking on foot and it is about 8km long. On reaching the Mandara Hut you will explore the surrounding features by hiking for another 15 minutes to the Maundi crater where you will be rewarded by stunning views of the Mountain and the lovely terrain below.

Descending from Mandara Hut back to the exit gate, the Marangu gate

After you have had your lunch, relaxed, and enjoyed the views, you will have to get back to the Marangu gate and ultimately to Moshi or Arusha. Descending from Mandara Hut Camp to the Marangu gate takes about 2-3 hours on foot. Once you reach the Marangu gate , your vehicle will be waiting for you whereby you will embark on your journey back to Moshi town or Arusha City.

Climbing Kilimanjaro in one day?

Although you won’t be able to climb Kilimanjaro in a single day up to the summit, Uhuru Peak, you can still enjoy a hike to the lower slopes of the mountain in a few hours of the day.  Our day excursion to this iconic, snow-capped mountain will give you a good idea of why Africa’s tallest peak is so popular. During the day, we’ll trek the popular Marangu Route as far as the first hut, the Mandara, where we’ll have a picnic lunch. While the rest of the hikers continue uphill toward the summit, we will descend and return to Arusha.

Marangu Route Day Trip Route Map

Marangu is a village on the foot slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, you can take a one-day trip to the mountain using the Marangu Route or alternatively, you can opt for a day trip to Marangu Village and experience Chagga cultural tours, enjoy a dip at the Marangu Waterfalls, learn how to make coffee the local way and visit the Chagga Caves at Marangu Village.

Marangu Route Map

Marangu Gate (1,800m/5,905ft) to Mandara Hut (2,743m/9,000ft)

Elevation gain: 915 meters, 3,000 feet.

Early in the morning, depart from vibrant, colorful Moshi for the trip to Marangu Gate, the gateway to beautiful Kilimanjaro . It’s only an hour’s journey, but the scenery – coffee and banana fields, past charming Marangu hamlet, with Kilimanjaro rising magnificently ahead of you – will capture you. It is also possible to be picked up from Arusha to Marangu but it will have to be a little bit earlier since Arusha is about a 2-hour drive to Moshi.

Your trip will begin after we register you at the Marangu Gate (since we don’t want to lose you!). The ridged trail is narrow at first as you travel through the rainforest. It’s lush and gloomy, with moss adorning the trees. Birdsong and weird rustlings fill the canopy above us — is it a colobus? It’s possible that a mongoose will scurry ahead of you.

You’ll also come across exhausted hikers on their way down from the peak. Give them a thumbs up for their efforts.

The climb to Mandara Hut takes around three hours, so take a break and eat a delicious lunch there before continuing on to the Maundi Crater for a short but hard walk. The views to the east across Taveta and to the northwest over Mawenzi Peak are breathtaking on a clear day. Remember to bring your camera! After taking in the scenery, you’ll trek back down to the Marangu Gate, where our van will be ready to transport you back to Moshi town , exhausted but pleased. Even if you’re a little out of shape, this Kilimanjaro day trek is acceptable for most individuals!

The cost for the one day Mount Kilimanjaro hike includes and excludes the following items

1 Day Kilimanjaro Hike Price includes

All transfers to the mountain and back to your Arusha hotel

Professional, experienced, mountain guides

Guides, Porters, Cook salaries and park fees

Quality, waterproof, four-season mountain sleeping tents

Sleeping Mattress

All meals while on the Mountain

Quality Mess tents with table and chairs

Large portions of fresh, healthy, nutritious food

Clean, purified drinking water

Conservation fees (part of park fees)

Camping or Hut fees (part of park fees)

Rescue fees (part of park fees)

VAT (18% charged by the Government)

Surcharge for online payment of deposit (5%)

Price Excludes

Airport transfers

Accommodation in Arusha

Tanzania Visa

Personal Expenses (e.g. laundry, telephone, beverages, etc.)

Meals not listed above

Optional Tours (short safari after your climb etc)

Can I do a day hike on Mount Kilimanjaro?

Yes, a day trek may be done by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro through the popular Marangu route or from the western slope to the beautiful Shira Plateau, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Can you climb Mount Kilimanjaro in a day?

No, regular climbers will not be able to summit Mount Kilimanjaro in a single day. Experienced mountaineers have established records for climbing in a few hours or a day, but this is not for everyone.

What is the fastest Mount Kilimanjaro ascent and descent record?

In August 2014, Swiss mountain runner Karl Egloff broke the record for the quickest climb and descent of Mount Kilimanjaro. He raced to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro and returned in 6 hours and 42 minutes, breaking the previous record of 6 hours and 42 minutes established by another mountain runner from Spain, Kilian Jornet, in September 2010.

How Long  Does  it Take to  Climb Kilimanjaro ?

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro may take anywhere from 5 to 11 days, depending on a variety of criteria such as route selection, physical ability, and budget.

How many people climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

Every year, around 110, 000 individuals attempt to summit Mount Kilimanjaro. A total of around 30,000 climbers and 80,000 porters and guides made up the total.

What to Wear for a Kilimanjaro Day Hike?

Closed shoes, although not necessarily hiking boots, are advised. Wear warm clothing as well.

Who should do a Mount Kilimanjaro day trip?

A day excursion to Mount Kilimanjaro is ideal if you’re traveling with youngsters who aren’t quite ready for the whole trek yet, or if you don’t have much time but still want to enjoy the experience.

Where does the Kilimanjaro day trip take you?

On these one-day treks, you’ll visit Kilimanjaro’s lower camps, such as Mandara Hut and Shira Plateau, before returning to the gate and exploring the unspoiled tropical forest and magnificent views around the mountain.

Marangu route day hike

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  1. Marangu Route

    The Marangu Route begins on the southeast side of the mountain at Marangu Gate (1,870 meters). The first day of trekking begins with a one-hour drive from Moshi, or a two-hour drive from Arusha to the Kilimanjaro National Park gate, where trekkers will be introduced to their crew, which includes guides, porters and cooks.

  2. Marangu Route Kilimanjaro

    In terms of chances of reaching the summit on this route, the 6 day Marangu route has a summit success rate of around 70%. This is significantly better than the 5-day Marangu trek which has an average estimated summit success rate of 30% (we don't love those odds!). The total distance of the Marangu route is 82km (50 miles).

  3. Marangu Route Kilimanjaro & Success Rates

    Marangu Route offers a slow, steady climb to each of the daily camps, which has given it the reputation for being the easiest trekking route on Kilimanjaro. Don't underestimate this trail however, as the approach to the final camp can be physically demanding with roughly 1000 meters of vertical gain on that day alone.

  4. Marangu Route

    DAY 1. Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut. Elevation (ft): 6,046 ft to 8,858 ft. Distance: 8 km. Hiking Time: 4-5 hours. Habitat: Rain Forest. We depart Moshi for Marangu Gate for the necessary formalities before beginning our trek. The hiking trail begins by ascending a beautiful, tropical rain forest.

  5. Marangu Route

    The Marangu Gate, located at an altitude of 1870 meters (6,137 ft.), on the Southeastern side of Mount Kilimanjaro is where the Marangu Route trek begins on the first day. You will take a one-hour drive from Moshi to the gate or 2 hours from Arusha town, following a scenic road on your way there.

  6. 6 Days Marangu Route Itinerary, Success Rate, Pros, and Cons

    The 6 Days Marangu Route Itinerary is a popular trekking route for adventurers aiming to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. The Marangu Route, also known as the "Coca-Cola" route, is the oldest, most well-established route and the only one that offers sleeping huts in dormitory-style accommodations.

  7. 5 Days Marangu Route Itinerary Price

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  8. 5 Days Marangu Route (Coca-Cola Trail Kilimanjaro) Trek 2022

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  10. The Marangu Route: Huts, Success Rate & Itineraries

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  11. The Marangu route on Kilimanjaro

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