1. Indonesia leads ASEAN corridor plan

    travel corridor arrangement indonesia

  2. (PDF) Travel Corridor Arrangement Application Process by Goverments of

    travel corridor arrangement indonesia

  3. Travel Corridor Arrangement Indonesia dengan 4 Negara Akan Segera Rampung

    travel corridor arrangement indonesia

  4. Travel Corridor Arrangement Singapura-Indonesia, Angin Segar bagi

    travel corridor arrangement indonesia

  5. Indonesia Tourism to prepare Travel Corridor Arrangement for Bali

    travel corridor arrangement indonesia

  6. Kemenparekraf Inisiasi Travel Corridor Arrangement di Batam & Bintan

    travel corridor arrangement indonesia


  1. VTL scheme extended to more countries including Indonesia

  2. #BisaTerbangLagi Bareng TRAVELOKA


  1. Indonesia's Travel Corridor Arrangements

    Mon, 22 Feb 2021. With an estimate of US$5.8 billion being wiped from Indonesia's tourist revenues as of July 2020, the country plans to recover its coronavirus-battered economy strategically. The government has negotiated on building bilateral travel corridors with countries including the United Arab Emirates, China, South Korea, and Singapore.

  2. FINAL ENG Arrival Guidelines for International Travelers to Indonesia

    To prevent imported cases, the government has implemented a number of health protocol rules for travelers entering Indonesia. Starting from the requirements for full-dose vaccination, completing PCR-test 2x24 hours before departure with negative result, to quarantine obligation. To reduce the potential risk of violating applicable regulations ...

  3. New International Travel Regulations to Enter ...

    Foreign nationals are allowed to enter Indonesia by fulfilling the requirements as follows: In accordance with the provisions on immigration regulated by the ministry that administers government affairs in the fields of Law and Human Rights; In accordance with the agreement scheme (bilateral), such as the Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA); and/or

  4. The Reciprocal Green Lane/Travel Corridor Arrangement

    The RGL will also be referred to by Indonesia as the Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA). The RGL/TCA will enable cross-border travel for essential business and official purposes to resume between both countries. The eligible applicants for the RGL/TCA are Indonesian citizens as well as Singapore citizens and residents. These travellers will have ...

  5. Indonesia wants to bring back tourists; no rush to move to ...

    On Wednesday, Indonesia and Malaysia agreed to start a travel corridor arrangement between the two countries, with the details to be firmed up later. Related: Indonesia, Malaysia leaders agree to ...

  6. TCA Diluncurkan, Ini Ketentuan Perjalanan Warga Negara Indonesia dan

    1.Menlu RI resmi luncurkan Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA) RI - Singapura (12/10). TCA yg mulai berlaku pd 26/10 ini berikan jalan bg WNI dan WN Singapura dgn tujuan bisnis esensial, diplomatik & kedinasan mendesak u/ melakukan perjalanan antar kedua negara dgn syarat tertentu. — MoFA Indonesia (@Kemlu_RI) October 12, 2020

  7. Indonesia in travel corridor talks with seven countries

    Indonesia in travel corridor talks with seven countries "We hope that once the COVID-19 situation has become more conducive, the travel corridor arrangements can be implemented in a short period ...

  8. Travel Corridor Arrangement

    Safe Travel Corridor Arrangement Indonesia - PEA. Pengaturan Koridor Perjalanan Aman secara bilateral dan sementara, untuk memfasilitasi kemudahan perjalanan untuk keperluan bisnis,ekonomi,serta diplomatik dan dinas. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia is a government ministry responsible for the country's foreign politics.

  9. Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia

    Quarantine obligations are excluded for foreign passengers holding diplomatic visas and service visas for official/state visits of foreign officials at a ministerial level or higher and foreign passengers entering Indonesia through the Travel Corridor Arrangement scheme, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity while still observing ...

  10. Indonesia, Malaysia leaders agree to travel corridor arrangement

    10 Nov 2021 06:17PM (Updated: 10 Nov 2021 06:17PM) JAKARTA: The leaders of Indonesia and Malaysia said they have agreed to start a travel corridor arrangement (TCA) between the two countries with ...

  11. President Jokowi Welcomes ASEAN Travel Corridor Agreement

    President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo welcomed the issuance of the ASEAN Declaration on an ASEAN Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA) Framework at the 37 th ASEAN Summit held virtually via video conference on Thursday (12/11).. For the record, the President previously proposed the ASEAN Travel Corridor Arrangement at the 36 th ASEAN Summit on 26 June 2020. "I welcome the issuance of the ASEAN ...

  12. Travel Corridor Arrangement

    Safe Travel Corridor Arrangement Indonesia - UAE. 29/07/2020. The two Governments agree to establish a bilateral, temporary Safe Travel Corridor Arrangement to facilitate the easing of travel for business, economic as well as diplomatic and official purpose.

  13. Indonesia Announces New Covid-19 Entry Rules for Foreign Travelers

    5. Foreigners under the Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA) bilateral agreement scheme will be exempted from an 8-day quarantine based on the principle of reciprocity and must follow the health protocols. 6. The quarantine place must be recommended by the National Covid-19 Task Force and the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association. 7.

  14. Indonesia reopens travel corridors amid fears of new virus variants

    On Tuesday, the national COVID-19 task force announced that several groups of foreigners, including those traveling under travel corridor arrangements, would be allowed to enter Indonesia again.

  15. Indonesia-Malaysia Sepakat Buka Travel Corridor Untuk 2 Rute Ini

    Menurut Jokowi, dibukanya travel corridor antara Indonesia -Malaysia dalam rangka pemulihan ekonomi pasca-pandemi. "Untuk mendukung pemulihan ekonomi, tadi kita sudah sepakat dibuat travel corridor arrangement yang secara bertahap kita buka satu per satu," ujar Jokowi dalam sambutannya usai pertemuan yang ditayangkan YouTube Sekretariat Presiden.

  16. ASEAN Declaration on an ASEAN Travel Corridor Arrangement Framework

    ASEAN Declaration on an ASEAN Travel Corridor Arrangement Framework. November 12, 2020. WE, the Heads of State/Government of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), namely Brunei Darussalam, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Republic of the ...

  17. Kabar Terbaru Tentang Travel Corridor Arrangement Indonesia

    Indonesia sedang mempersiapkan Travel Corridor Arrangement dengan beberapa negara. Pariwisata Indonesia terus mempersiapkan diri untuk itu. Dalam Weekly Press Briefing yang diadakan pada hari Senin (19/4/2021) Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno menyampaikan kabar terbaru tentang Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA) dengan beberapa negara. Salah satunya ...

  18. Check the Latest Foreign Travel Rules for Indonesia

    The government has issued updated provisions regarding the terms and documents required for overseas travellers who come to Indonesia. This latest set of rules was issued through circular letter 25/2022 regarding health protocols for overseas travel during the COVID-19 pandemic and has been signed by Lt. Gen. Suharyanto.. In these new regulations, there are a number of entry points for foreign ...

  19. The Indonesian Government is Setting Up Travel Corridor Arrangements

    Holiday Ayo - Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno has said the country is setting up travel corridor arrangements (TCAs) with seven countries in preparation for the reopening of Indonesia's borders to international holidaymakers. The minister told reporters on Monday that he had met with the ambassadors of Belgium, France, Russia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, the ...

  20. Tourism Ministry Discusses Expansion of Travel Corridor Arrangement

    INDONESIA'S Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is holding a ministerial coordination meeting regarding the expansion of the travel corridor arrangement for the tourism sector which allows for return visits of foreign tourists. The return of tourists is expected to be in line with the economic recovery, especially for areas that depend ...

  21. Travel Corridor Arrangement Application Process by Goverments of

    The discussion on the Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA) between the Indonesian and Singaporean governments will continue in the future, but technically and practically, there are still certain issues that the Indonesian government has not addressed effectively. This demonstrates that we are technically still waiting for the correct judgement while the COVID-19 pandemic's case count declines.

  22. Travel Corridor Arrangement

    Safe Travel Corridor Arrangement Indonesia - UAE. 29/07/2020. The two Governments agree to establish a bilateral, temporary Safe Travel Corridor Arrangement to facilitate the easing of travel for business, economic as well as diplomatic and official purpose.

  23. Travel Corridor Arrangement Application Process by Goverments of

    The discussion on the Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA) between the Indonesian and Singaporean governments will continue in the future. However, technically and practically, there are still some ...