Overseas Indians flock to Modi's rally in Sydney

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India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Sydney

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Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan

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Praveen leads a team of reporters covering companies and financial news in Australia and New Zealand. Before moving to Sydney he was the New Zealand Bureau Chief, where he reported on the leadership of former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, the coronavirus pandemic, the terrorist attack in Christchurch and several natural disasters. Prior to New Zealand, he was Bureau Chief for Malaysia and Brunei leading a team of reporters covering the missing MH370 airliner, the 1MDB scandal and the country's political turmoil in 2018, which won him an journalism award from the Society of Publishers in Asia. He has previously worked as a correspondent in the UAE, Afghanistan and India.

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modi visit to sydney 2023

The Indian diaspora event in Sydney was not only attended by the Australian PM but also by former PM, MPs from opposition parties, and the ruling party. This is the strength of democracy. All of them together participated in this program of the Indian community: PM Modi

The people here asked me why I gave the vaccines to the world. I want to say that this is the land of Buddha, Gandhi. We care even for our enemies... Today the world wants to know what India is thinking: PM Modi

All Indians have a right on the love and gratitude I received from leaders of Australia, Papua New Guinea and Japan: PM Modi

Received thanks for supplying Covid vaccine to other nations, says PM Modi.

Tamil language is our language. It is the language of every Indian. It is the oldest language in the world. I had the opportunity to release the Tok Pisin translation of the book 'Thirukkural' in Papua New Guinea: PM Modi

I challenge the challenges that come my way, says PM Modi

Recall the day when some leaders in the opposition raised questions over supplying vaccine to other nations: PM Modi

PM Modi begins welcome address at Delhi airport after return from Sydney.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi lands at Delhi's Palam airport after concluding his three-nation visit to Japan, Papua New Guinea and Australia

PM Narendra Modi to arrive at Delhi's Palam airport after concluding his three-nation visit to Japan, Papua New Guinea and Australia; BJP workers gather outside the airport to welcome PM Modi

PM Modi leaves from Sydney after 3-day tour

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has departed from Australia for India to after a successful 3-day tour.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi being accorded a ceremonial welcome at the Admiralty House, in Sydney, on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi being accorded a ceremonial welcome at the Admiralty House, in Sydney, on Wednesday.

Modi-Albanese talks focussed on 11 bilateral topics

Indian foreign secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra also said that the talks held between the Prime Ministers of India and Australia focussed on 11 bilateral topics.

'PM Modi-Albanese talks based on trade and investment'

Foreign secretary Vijay Mohan Kwatra on Wednesday said that the talks held between PM Narendra Modi and his Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese were based on trade an investment.

PM Modi in Australia: A briefing by foreign secretary Vijay Mohan Kwatra's on PM Modi's Australia visit in under way.

PM Anthony Albanese and I have in the past discussed the issue of attack on temples in Australia and activities of separatist elements. We discussed the matter today also. It is not acceptable to us that anyone hurt the friendly and cordial ties between India and Australia by their actions or ideology. PM Albanese assured me once again today that he will take strict actions against such elements in the future also.

Narendra Modi, PM

PM Modi in Australia Live: In cricketing terminology India, Australia are firmly in T-20 mode: PM Modi on Twitter

PM Modi in Australia Live: In cricketing terminology India, Australia are firmly in T-20 mode: PM Modi on Twitter

Thousands of overseas Indians cheered Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a campaign-style rally in one of Sydney’s biggest sporting arenas.

Modi, who is visiting Australia for the first time since 2014, will look to use his popularity among expatriate Indians to boost support at home ahead of the general elections next year, after his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lost a key state election in southern India this month.

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Thousands of supporters thronged the 21,000-capacity Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney Olympic Park, one of the city’s biggest indoor stadiums which has hosted international stars like Bruce Springsteen and the Backstreet Boys, though there were significant numbers of empty seats as Modi began his speech.

The Indian leader, who arrived to cheers from the crowd after a programme of song and dance from across India, paid tribute to the many connections between the two countries, from cricket and tennis to films and Indian street food in Sydney.

Members of the local Indian community welcome Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi during an event at the Qudos Arena in Sydney on May 23

‘Modi is the boss!’

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese played the warm-up act and emcee.

To chants of “Modi! Modi! Modi!”, Albanese introduced his “dear friend” to a jazzed-up crowd of Indian-Australians, who he praised for making Australia “stronger and more inclusive”.

“The last time I saw someone on the stage here was Bruce Springsteen and he didn’t get the welcome that Prime Minister Modi has got,” Albanese said.

“Prime Minister Modi is the boss!” he said, breaking into a broad smile and boasting the pair had met six times in the past year.

Australia and India are closer friends and partners than ever before. Welcome to Australia, Prime Minister @narendramodi . 🇦🇺🇮🇳 pic.twitter.com/YgotdFalKm — Anthony Albanese (@AlboMP) May 23, 2023

It was an unusually personal show of support for Modi – a Hindu nationalist leader who faces re-election next year and has been criticised for sustained democratic backsliding and discrimination against India’s 200 million Muslims and other minorities.

Modi reciprocated his host’s lavish welcome, offering a long list of interests that bind the two countries: from cricket to curry, yoga to Masterchef.

“The most important foundation of our ties is mutual trust and mutual respect,” he said in Hindi, promising trade between the two countries would double in the next five years.

Modi in Australia

He also announced the opening of a new consulate in Brisbane.

Modi is known to put up big shows during his overseas trips and has addressed packed stadiums in the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries that have large expatriate Indian populations.

A chartered Qantas flight rebranded as “Modi Airways” brought in fans from Melbourne, while “Modi Express” was being chartered from Queensland, ABC News reported.

Artists perform at an event to welcome India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Qudos Arena in Sydney on May 23, 2023.

At a bilateral meeting on Wednesday, the two leaders will discuss trade and investment , renewable energy, and defence and security cooperation.

“Australia and India share a commitment to a stable, secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific,” Albanese said in a statement.

Albanese in March this year visited India, including Modi’s home state of Gujarat, during a four-day visit.

India is Australia’s sixth largest trading partner, while about 750,000 people in Australia claim Indian ancestry. Almost 90,000 Indian students are enrolled at Australian universities, the largest overseas contingent after China.

Despite his popularity and strongman image, Modi is a divisive figure at home and abroad. Critics say religious polarisation has increased since his Hindu nationalist BJP came to power in 2014, and that the country’s minority Muslims are being marginalised.

Under Modi, “the world’s largest democracy” has become much less free and more dangerous for his critics, according to Human Rights Watch’s Elaine Pearson.

“Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government has been tightening its grip on civil society, using draconian laws to arrest and intimidate activists, journalists, opposition leaders, academics, peaceful protesters, and critics of government policies,” she said.

A BBC documentary , banned in India, that questioned Modi’s actions during the Gujarat riots two decades ago, will be aired in the Australian parliament on Wednesday, SBS News reported, quoting a group called “We the Diaspora”.

Dozens of people campaigning for an independent state in India’s Punjab province protested outside the venue, shouting anti-Modi slogans and waving flags of the so-called Khalistan movement.

Modi, who is known for never addressing a news conference, will not be speaking to the media at any of his engagements in Australia.

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Anthony Albanese and Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi in Australia: a polarising leader meets a divided Indian diaspora

More than 20,000 supporters are expected at a public rally for the Indian PM in Sydney this week. But critics will be just as strident

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T he public events speak to Narendra Modi’s popularity among supporters - the adoring crowds waving banners, the car convoys and privately chartered “ModiAirways” flights for those who will travel thousands of kilometres to hear him speak.

But for the same man, posters have sprung up around Sydney – before being torn down – offering $10,000 for the citizen’s arrest of the “Hindu Terrorist Modi” and graffiti has been daubed on a Hindu temple in western Sydney reading: “Declare Modi Terrorist”.

The Indian prime minister will land in Australia this week as one of the most powerful leaders in his country’s modern history. But also one of its most divisive.

He leads an increasingly polarised country. India’s diasporas, too, are increasingly split.

The Sydney broadcaster Manbir Singh Kohli, who hosts the weekly Kehte Sunte (Speaking & Listening) radio program, says: “In India, the schisms between communities are getting sharper.

“And unfortunately we are seeing that in Australia too, a polarisation of our communities is worse than it has ever been – the trolling, the division. Earlier, the Indian diaspora used to be proud together but now we are divided.”

India is now the most populous country on Earth and demographics, properly harnessed, are on its side: its economy will surpass those of Germany and Japan in the next half-decade to become the third largest in the world, behind the US and China.

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Modi’s government claims its policies – addressing food security, banking, pensions – have lifted millions of India’s poorest from poverty.

Banners critical of Indian prime minister Narendra Modi

But its leader, dominant as he approaches the end of his second term as prime minister and poised to win a third, is profoundly controversial.

Modi’s Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) government is accused of a repressive and intimidatory campaign against political opponents – including scion of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty Rahul Gandhi – independent media and civil society organisations.

Legislation such as the citizenship amendment bill has been criticised as unlawfully discriminating against Muslims , while the farm bills deregulating agricultural markets were abandoned only after more than a year of fervent protests and several hundred deaths.

Modi’s government is even accused of attempting to rewrite history to fit its Hindu nationalist agenda , with school textbooks edited to remove references to Mahatma Gandhi’s opposition to Hindu nationalism, to the country’s Mughal history – the Muslim rulers who controlled significant parts of India for centuries – and to the 2002 anti-Muslim pogrom in Godhra, which claimed more than 1,000 lives and in which Modi, then chief minister of the state of Gujarat, was implicated.

Critics of Modi’s government argue he has sought, through the vast power of his BJP, to reinvent the very idea of India: the pluralist, secular conception of India of Jawaharlal Nehru undermined and eroded, and replaced by the BJP’s vision of a country dominated by its aggressive Hindu nationalism, with places only at the margins for India’s multiplicity of minorities.

Modi will speak at a boisterous public rally – a mix of music, dance and politics at which more than 20,000 people are expected – at Sydney Olympic Park on Tuesday, hosted by the Indian Australian Diaspora Foundation (IADF). Privately chartered flights – publicised as yatra , akin to pilgrimage – will bring supporters from interstate.

“He attracts this huge crowd for his exemplary and visionary leadership that is transforming and developing India at an unprecedented pace,” Jay Shah, director of the IADF, says.

“PM Modi is the most popular leader of India at the moment and has a great appeal and following, not just in India but also in many Indians living abroad.”

In 2014, Modi was the first Indian prime minister to visit Australia since Rajiv Gandhi, during the premiership of Bob Hawke. Shah says Modi vowed on that trip Indian leaders would come more regularly to Australia.

“He is keeping his promise and visiting again … This … reflects the speed at which the relationship is growing between our two countries.”

Of the criticism that clings to Modi, Shah says it reflects India’s robust democracy.

“We respect the fact that people can have different views.

“Mr Modi and his government contend that all policies are aimed at addressing specific challenges and ensuring safety and wellbeing of all citizens of India.”

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‘Australia should speak frankly’

Kohli, however, argues Modi’s “abrasive” government has abandoned democratic accountability to parliament or to the Indian people.

“This government doesn’t answer to anybody on anything. There is no accountability, we have seen that in the Adani controversy [Modi’s close links to tycoon Gautam Adani] or over the farm bills.”

“Australia is seeking to strengthen its relationship with India,” Kohli says – economically, with a new free trade agreement in force and the recognised potential of India’s growing market and rising middle class; but also geo-strategically, in alliances such as the Quad serving as a counterpoint to China’s growing influence.

Australian PM Anthony Albanese, US president Joe Biden, Indian PM Narendra Modi and Japanese PM Fumio Kishida

But Kohli says Australia should take a firmer line in its dealings with Modi’s government.

“Modi is a powerful leader. But if you’re a good friend of somebody you can also be critical politely,” he says. “Australia should speak frankly.”

The Indian Muslim Association of Australia has not planned any protests against Modi during his Australian visit. Public officer Sirajuddin Syed says the organisation respects the position of prime minister of India while rejecting the policies of the man holding the office.

“India is home to more than 200 million Muslims, but under Narendra Modi’s government Indian Muslims have faced systemic discrimination, prejudice and violence despite constitutional protections.”

Dr Pradeep Taneja, academic fellow with the Australia India Institute, says Modi is seen by his most ardent followers as an almost “messianic” leader, but by his detractors as a dangerously divisive figure “who has polarised Indian society along religious lines”.

“There is no doubt that some of the Modi government’s populist policies, such as increased cooking gas connections and other subsidies, have benefited people regardless of caste or religion,” Taneja says.

“But it is also true that Modi and other ruling party figures frequently engage in what can only be described as ‘dog-whistle politics’ targeting India’s largest minority. This is also reflected in the rewriting of Indian history, changing of place and street names across the country and the tolerance of violent acts against the minority community.”

The Quad meeting that was Modi’s primary reason for visiting Australia has been cancelled through the absence of the US president, Joe Biden. But Modi has chosen to come to Australia regardless, a further sign that Australia and India’s “interests are much more aligned today than ever before in history”, Taneja says.

He agrees Australia has a “difficult line to walk” in its dealings with Modi’s government.

“The reality is that Australia and India need to work together to deal with the changed security situation in the Indo-Pacific region.

“So long as Modi is popularly elected by the Indian electorate, I don’t think Australia would gain anything by publicly criticising Indian government policies. Instead, Australia should communicate the message indirectly by emphasising its own views on human rights and respect for religious diversity.”

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PM Modi to attend 2023 Quad Leaders' Summit in Sydney on May 24

(From L) Australian PM Anthony Albanese, US President Joe Biden, PM Narendra Modi and Japanese PM Fumio Kishida during the Quad summit in Tokyo, May 24, 2022. (File Photo | AP)

NEW DELHI: PM Narendra Modi will be attending the third in-person Quad Leaders’ summit, which is this time being hosted by Australia as its first on May 24 in Sydney. 

PM's upcoming visit to Sydney in Australia on May 23 is likely to be held as one of the mega cultural extravaganzas with Indian Diasporas hosting mega reception.  

The Indian Australian Diaspora Foundation- which acts as a non-profit organisation promoting and celebrating diverse Indian culture in Australia is providing a platform for such reception -cum -cultural extravaganza.

PM Modi will be meeting with leaders of Japan, France, Australia and the US and other countries supposedly discussing the ways of stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

Prior to Australia's visit, PM Modi is also likely to visit Japan on May 20-21 as an invitation to attend the G-7 summit in Hiroshima. Sharing details, Dr Vijay Chauthaiwale, the in-charge of BJP’s foreign affairs department, said on Thursday that the Indian Australian Diaspora Foundation will be hosting a grand community reception in honour of PM Modi.

He said that the event aims to provide the large and growing Indian Diaspora of Australia with an opportunity to listen in to the PM, who would be addressing them also.

Quoting details from the Indian Australian Diaspora Foundation, Dr Chauthaiwale said that more than 300 organisations from various social, cultural, linguistic, business, professional and religious backgrounds have registered to become the ‘welcome partners” for the reception.

“So far, more than 20,000 members of the Diaspora have already registered to be part of this upcoming reception. Before the arrival of dignitaries, there will be a cultural extravaganza with colourful performances of singing, music, and various dance form to showcase the diverse and rich culture of India”, said the Indian Australian Diaspora Foundation in a statement on Thursday here also to the media.

To date, the hosting unit has received over 100 proposals for cultural performances before PM Modi in Sydney. According to a report, Indians make up around 3% of the Australian population.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics- 2021, the total Indian-born population in Australia is more than 6, 73,352 and the number of people with Indian ancestry stands at 783,958.

Sydney alone, where the PM is scheduled to get a major reception from Indian diasporas, has a population of 2, 30,000 Indians, apart from Melbourne which has a 242,635 Indian population, as per the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021.

Among Indian diasporas, Punjabi-speaking people are around 2, 39,033, followed by 197,132 Hindi -speaking, 111,873 Urdu-speaking, 95,404 Tamil, 81,334 Gujarati, 78,738 Malayalam, 70,116 Bengali-speaking people besides others

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PM Modi Addresses Indian Community In Sydney: Highlights

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PM Modi attends a special community event in Sydney.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was greeted at Sydney's Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney Olympic Park with Vedic chanting and other traditional types of welcome as he arrived in the company of Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese to address Indian diaspora at a community event in the Australian city.

PM Modi is on a three-day visit to Australia. The Australia visit is on the last and final leg of PM Modi's three-nation tour. This is the PM Modi's second visit to the country after 2014.

In his introductory remarks, Anthony Albanese referred to the vast audience and compared PM Modi's popularity to that of legendary rockstar Bruce Springsteen, who is also known by fans as "The Boss".

Here are the highlights of PM Modi's address:

  • Be it for associations like Solar Alliance, for building Disaster Resilient Infrastructure or for leading the Big Cat Alliance, India has always acted as a 'Binding Force' to connect different nations
  • 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas' has been the basis of our Domestic Governance, and this forms the vision for the Global Governance as well.
  • India is a living civilization of thousands of years. India is the mother of Democracy.
  • We have molded ourselves according to the times, but have always stuck to our fundamentals
  • We see the nation as a family and also consider the world as a family.
  • When India decides the theme of its G-20 Presidency, it says- One Earth, One Family, One Future.
  • When India sets big targets for solar energy to protect the environment, it says- One Sun, One World, One Grid.
  • When India wishes the global community to be healthy, it says - One Earth, One Health.
  • In the last 9 years, India has made great strides. We have opened around 500 million bank accounts for the poor people.
  • Not only this, actually the whole eco-system of Public Delivery has been transformed in India.
  • An amount worth over Rs. 28 lakh crore have been directly transferred to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries, since 2014.
  • The JAM Trinity and DBT have brought a revolution in the country.
  • The country which started the world's fastest vaccination program in the Corona Pandemic... that country is - INDIA.
  • Today the country which is the fastest growing largest economy in the world is...INDIA.
  • Today the country which is the number-1 smartphone data consumer in the world is- INDIA.
  • India does not lack capability, India does not lack resources either.
  • Today, the country which has the world's biggest and youngest talent factory is...INDIA.
  • IMF considers India the Bright Spot of global economy.
  • According to World Bank, if there's any country which is withstanding global headwinds, it's India.
  • India has made record exports even in the most challenging times
  • No matter what the geographical distances are there between India and Australia, Indian Ocean connects us
  • No matter different lifestyles are there in both the countries, Yoga connects us
  • Cricket is something which has kept us connected for ages...and now Tennis and movies form other connecting bridges.
  • There was a time when 3Cs used to define relations between India and Australia, these three were Commonwealth, Cricket and Curry.
  • After that, it was 3Ds.. Democracy, Diaspora and Dosti!
  • When it became 3Es, it was all about Energy, Economy and Education.
  • But the truth is that actual depth of the relation between India & Australia transcend these C, D, E...
  • The strongest and biggest foundations of this relation actually are mutual trust and mutual respect; and the real reason behind this is Indian Diaspora
  • I am glad that many people from the overseas Indian community in New South Wales are actively participating in public life, making a mark
  • In the same year, I had the opportunity to welcome Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Indian soil in Ahmedabad.
  • Today, he has supported me in unveiling the foundation stone of 'Little India' here. I express my gratitude to him very much.
  • An absolute delight connecting with Indian diaspora at community programme in Sydney
  • When I came here in 2014, I made a promise to you that you will not have to wait for 28 years for an Indian Prime Minister. So, here I am in Sydney once again.  PM Albanese is also with me here
  • India-Australia relationship is based on mutual trust and mutual respect

modi visit to sydney 2023

  • The last time I saw someone on this stage was Bruce Springsteen and he did not get the welcome that Prime Minister Modi has got. Prime Minister Modi is the boss.
  • When I was in India in March, it was a trip full of unforgettable moments, celebrating Holi in Gujarat, laying a wreath for Mahatma Gandhi in Delhi
  • Everywhere I went, I felt a deep connection between the people of Australia and India. \
  • If you want to understand India, travel by train and bus

modi visit to sydney 2023

#WATCH | Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese arrive at the Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney amid a rousing welcome. PM Modi will address the Indian diaspora here. pic.twitter.com/OnyrLbTs7K - ANI (@ANI) May 23, 2023
#WATCH | Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed at Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney amid Vedic chanting and other traditional ways at Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is also PM Modi. pic.twitter.com/PelqElQcU5 - ANI (@ANI) May 23, 2023
#WATCH | Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed at Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney in a traditional manner. PM Modi will address the members of the Indian diaspora at a community event shortly. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is also with him. pic.twitter.com/fPvtZoBpep - ANI (@ANI) May 23, 2023
#WATCH | Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney where he will address the members of the Indian diaspora at a community event shortly. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is also with him. pic.twitter.com/m63GCxN6aF - ANI (@ANI) May 23, 2023
Immense enthusiasm in Sydney for the community programme, which begins soon... pic.twitter.com/K3193pYLEZ - PMO India (@PMOIndia) May 23, 2023
#WATCH | Australia | Cultural program underway at Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney where Prime Minister Narendra Modi will arrive shortly for a community event. pic.twitter.com/nkcvIO3BYf - ANI (@ANI) May 23, 2023
#WATCH | Members of the Indian diaspora express their excitement for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's community event that will be held at Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney, Australia shortly. Shashi Prabha says, "All of us are excited for PM Modi to arrive. That is the most important... pic.twitter.com/U5RO5zKD6w - ANI (@ANI) May 23, 2023
#WATCH | Prime Minister Narendra Modi's community event to be held shortly at Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney, Australia. Visuals from the venue. pic.twitter.com/Glg0T0eE8q - ANI (@ANI) May 23, 2023

Prime Minister Narendra Modi received a grand welcome when he landed in Sydney to commence his three-day visit to Australia. Among those who had gathered to greet PM Modi included 91-year-old Dr Navamani Chandra Bose who journeyed from Melbourne to meet the Indian prime minister in Sydney, according to The Australia Today. Read more

At 91, Indian-Origin Woman Travels Melbourne To Sydney Just To Greet PM Modi

#WATCH | 'Welcome Modi' spelt by a recreational aircraft's contrails before the community event in Sydney, Australia. pic.twitter.com/d5KhGm6Nm8 - ANI (@ANI) May 23, 2023

About 170 Indian-origin people took a chartered flight from Melbourne to Sydney to attend an event of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Read more


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Harris Park businesses renew bid to rename precinct Little India ahead of likely Narendra Modi visit

A group of people pose behind a cardboard cutout frame with Little India signs in the background.

Businesses in Harris Park in Western Sydney are making a renewed bid to officially declare their area Little India ahead of an expected visit from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Key points:

  • Parramatta Council has backed a proposal to officially name three streets in Harris Park 'Little India'
  • Anticipation is building about a potential visit from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
  • The Geographic Names Board has previously warned using the term Little India "creates confusion"

The push to formally declare the suburb as Little India has stalled since the Geographic Names Board told Parramatta Council to stop using the term in marketing material because it "creates confusion". 

The bureaucratic barrier has not stopped many Sydneysiders and locals referring to the cluster of Indian restaurants, sari and jewellery shops, and grocers as Little India, but many believe making it official would boost the area's appeal to tourists.

Parramatta Council last week voted to support a scaled-back proposal to apply the name to part of the suburb covering the busy Wigram, Marion, and Station streets.

"It puts us on the map," said Parramatta councillor Paul Noack, who moved the motion.

"We want to make it an international destination on the same lines as Little India in Singapore and other places around the world."

Rather than the original proposal to rename the entire suburb of Harris Park, the name would apply only to the popular trading area.

Cr Noack said the impending arrival of Mr Modi in Australia next month added urgency to the matter, as well as the federal government's commitment to spend $3.5 million on upgrading the area.

The funding allocated in the October budget has been earmarked for a Little India gate, as well as new street furniture, lighting and car parking improvements. 

Sense of belonging

Little India Harris Park Business Association president Sanjay Deshwal said they had first proposed officially naming the area Little India in 2015.

He said since then, the number of Indian businesses had doubled from about 30 to about 60.

A woman in a sari stands next to a man in a business shirt in front of a rack of saris.

While it was initially dismissed as "ridiculous" he is confident the time is right to make the name change.

"A good idea cannot be stopped when the time has come, this is a prime example of this," Mr Deshwal said.

He stressed the current proposal would not replace the suburb name Harris Park, but would designate the three main streets as a cultural precinct, like Little Italy in Leichhardt.

Harris Park, named after the surgeon Dr John Harris, is a small suburb next to Parramatta which has seen waves of migration from Lebanon, Italy, Greece, and China.

In the last 10 to 15 years it has become the go-to spot for Indian migrants.

The 2021 census shows 45 per cent of the 5,043 Harris Park residents were born in India.

A group of men in the front yard of a house with signs on the fence saying 'Welcome to Little India'

Mr Deshwal said the area was crucial to helping students and workers settle into their new home country.

"Harris Park is a very important step to provide those people a feeling of home," he said.

"It's not only food, it's not only the businesses, it's not only the dresses, it's not only the colour, but it's giving them a sense of belonging."

Anticipation is building ahead of a potential visit from the Indian prime minister next month which would cement Harris Park's reputation as Little India in the world's eyes.

While details of Mr Modi's Sydney itinerary are yet to be finalised, Mr Deshwal hopes Mr Modi can use his visit to lay the foundation stone for the welcome gate which will be "a monument to acknowledge the Indian diaspora for the first time in Australia".

People buy food from a hole in the wall Indian food place.

When Mr Modi was last in Australia in 2014 he gave a speech in front of 20,000 fans at the Sydney SuperDome at Olympic Park.

Parramatta Council has formally extended an invitation to Mr Modi to visit Harris Park this time.

"This will be one of the biggest events in Harris Park, the biggest event in Parramatta, probably the biggest in Western Sydney," Cr Noack said.

The federal member for Parramatta, Andrew Charlton, said the planned upgrades would help turn the area into "a beacon of South Asian culture around the world", regardless of the bureaucratic naming process.  

"Prime Minister Modi's visits get watched by millions of people back in India and around the world, that would certainly be a huge boost," Mr Charlton said. 

He said previous efforts to rename Harris Park had become "bogged down", but focusing on the trading area where Indian businesses were concentrated was a much simpler approach. 

Parramatta Council said it is continuing discussions with the Geographic Names Board. 

A board spokesperson said it was yet to receive a formal application to assign the name Little India. 

"Once a formal application has been received, the GNB will review the submission," the spokesperson said.

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